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cw: kidnapping, child experimenting, swearing, blood, violence, angst in all chapters.

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

              Technoblade was running though the woods. Behind him he could hear the voices of his captors. Calls of 'He's over there!' , 'catch him!' , 'shoot him!' rang through his ears. He keeps running as if his life depended on it.

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

             It was the late dark of the night and he could hear them coming closer and closer as he tired. He debates his options, knowing he could either die trying to fend them off with his measly weapon of a stick, he could get taken back, where it would be even worse, or keep running till he couldn't anymore.

           He crouches down behind the low branches of the tree to rest, covering his mouth to prevent them from picking up on pants or breathing noises.

            He was only fourteen. He was only fourteen. Fourteen was way too young to be running for his life.

            From the day he was born, to when he was snatched out of his mothers arms at the age of five, her and the rest of the kingdom of part animals burning to the ground. Having limbs chopped up, reattached, and his organs moved about at six. Figuring out he could transform at seven. Watching his friends in the facility all slowly get cut down by the swords of the men in suits at twelve. He had memory of it all.

          He had learnt to fend for himself during his time in the government facility. Technoblade would often hear the men in suits greet another man with "Welcome Mr.President."

Coming from a royal kingdom, he didn't really know what that meant, but they treated him like the boss. And he just knew that anyone who was the boss of something so sickening couldn't be great.

        Technoblade hears barking, and a shiver runs up his spine. They brought the search dogs with them. He would have a lot harder of a time running if the dogs caught onto his trail. "Damn it.." The boy whispers as a pain shoots up his leg, looking down and seeing the blood drip down from a particularly nasty cut.

         He tears off part of the edge of the cloak he was wearing and  wraps it around his leg, readying himself to run again.

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

And just as the barking and voices fade closer, he takes off through the woods again. "Hey! I hear him, follow him men!" A deep voice shouts, "Don't lose him or the president will have our asses!"

He ran. Techno kept running, ignoring the screaming pain in his legs, and the tiredness dragging his body down as best as he could.

How long could it have been since Techno had broken through the bars of the facility with his tusks and not looked back. "It can't have been more than a few hours.." He mumbles to himself, looking at the barely rising sun and latching onto a branch of a tall tree, swinging himself up to a higher branch, continuing to climb till he was hidden among the leaves.

The barking drew closer and closer until the dogs began circling the tree. The boy covered his mouth, barely letting out a sound After several moments, his captors had caught up to the dogs.

One leans down, and picks up a scrap of blood soaked fabric from his cloak that had gotten torn off a stray rock. "Fuck. We may have lost track of him."

"What?" Another voice asks.

"The dogs have been barking like mad here, so we came over, and theres nothing but this scrap of dirty transformer blood." He spat.

"Ugh...What are we gonna tell the president..."

"Nothing. We're gonna say he died if we search the area and he isn't here. And then we say we disposed of him." The man suggests.

"Will he believe that?"

"I don't know, but we will try." The man says, he then turns to the rest of the men, "Keep on with your search. If we can't find him by dawn, we will return." He barks out his order, and the men disperse.

After everyone was gone, leaving just the man, and Techno sitting in the tree, his eyes shoot up, focused on just the place Techno was hiding.

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