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Hey! This is the 4th part of "Sometimes Green and Sometimes Blue" and I've taken liberties regarding certain stuff in here so just have fun reading! I know nothing about real theater operations, so just roll with it!


Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Nine, May

Behind his desk in his home-office, clicking and then unclicking the tip of his pen repeatedly, Louis speaks into his phone.

"That's not what was decided... No...It was actually a clear plan that had already been discussed with the entire crew...and the concession staff, everyone. You were there."

Louis reclines back in his huge office chair but quickly straightens out when he sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He looks up, and there's Harry, softly smiling at him while relaxing against the doorway. Louis looks at his watch and sighs.

It's five o'clock.

It's five o'clock, and Louis' work-day should be done by now. Well, it never really is done at five, but he and Harry'd made a rule that whenever Louis worked from home it should be. By holding up a finger, Louis indicates to Harry that he'll be just one more minute, but he motions for Harry to come inside.

"And I already passed along the information that I'll be out of the country with my mate and kids," Louis says in response to the staffmember who's speaking in his ear. "Which is why we've formulated the action plan in advance. I'll be gone all next week." Louis hums as the guy continues to speak.

"Right, right," Louis answers, "but again, that's why I held the meeting last week. Since this is something we already anticipate happening, we'll have the tools to handle it, whether I'm there or not."

Harry walks forward, and Louis refrains from rolling his eyes as he continues listening to the voice speaking from the phone make excuses that he's just not going to accept. "Yeah, well, I'll be in tomorrow morning. We'll have another briefing then to follow up on the points that you seem to have some confusion about still, and you just bring all other questions to me at that time," he says shortly. Hums again. "Alright. Sounds good." And then he hangs up his phone.

Louis' home office isn't something he uses too often, but nowadays it seems as if he's here a majority of the time. He's normally glad for it; working from home keeps him closer to his family and far away from the horrid traffic surrounding the city. He can't keep denying, however, that he needs to be on-site more. At least until this current production's complete.

Behind him, Harry turns his chair so that Louis rotates to face him, then he sits down on his lap, straddling him. He wraps his arms around Louis' neck, and he starts carting his fingers through his hair.

"You okay?"

Louis closes his eyes and hums, hands automatically coming to rest on Harry's hips. "Better now that you're here."

Harry smiles softly. "That sounded pretty intense just now."

"Don't worry about it," Louis replies. He can't help sighing.

"This about all those field trips next week?"

Louis' eyes blink open. "How is it that you remember that but my own staff doesn't?"

"Hmm. Guess I just like hearing you talk." Harry smiles. "Or it could be that I'm not frazzled all the time, handling tons of productions and shows and events all throughout the week and the weekend, on top of three elementary school field trips," he wryly says. "Cut him some slack."

bruised shins and butterfly kisses | Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now