Seeing the chaotic and constantly moving, kinda dark yellows and browns of the dudes-- Cas' brother? Cousin? Relative of some kind-- and instantly feeling uncomfortable with it, Jazz stands up and moves to reach out to touch the celestial, maybe hug him close, but stops. He didn't know if these two were close, or if his roommate was even out to the man and he definitely wouldn't be the one to expose that.

The tall, but not taller than him, man came right up to Cas and threw an arm around his neck, making the celestial shove him away and snap, "No touching." in a tone that lets the musician and all his family know that this is not a welcome interaction.

Without even saying anything, the Reds and D'Silvettas tense, getting into protective stances, careful eyes watching the scene unfold-- waiting for Jazz or Nyx, the one who would know the most or their usual team leader to motion to jump in.

"Still on your high horse I see." The man smirks down at Cas, as if having a boundary suddenly made him less of a person.

Cas' song doesn't change from it's bursts of anger and frustration but a familiar, clam note of a calm fern green is a tiny mark, a simple note among the mass of moss and jumping music.

It doesn't make Jazz like this man anymore though.

Because, along with the fern, is an olive pond of self-hate.

Cas' relative makes him not like himself, and that is something that the musician will never excuse. No one should make a deity like him question whether or not they deserve to be worshipped.

"These are your friends?" He asks, looking between Jazz and his people-- which instantly mad him... not mad, exactly, but definitely not happy.

"No." Cas lies, his song spiking in a certain kind of unfamiliar fear, the basil such an alarming color that Jazz almost loses his control and takes the celestial away from this man; which the musician was really close to doing. "We just met."

"Oh, then allow me to make proper introductions," The douchebag has an all too smug look on his face. "I'm Atlas Sawyer."

No one says a fucking word.

Nyx's glare hardens, Damien straightening up and Dela and Eris just fixing him with a level, 'and I care why?' look as Axel scowls at him.

They're all staring. Waiting.

Ready to react when need be.

Patting-- but also quickly getting shoved away by-- Cas on the shoulder, Atlas says, "And this is Alpha Rex."

Huh? Alpha?

That's his name?

Cas looks at him over his shoulders, gray eyes more than frustrated but his song tells Jazz he's more hurt right now and willing to throw a punch than anything else. Which is not something that the musician wants his celestial to be feeling.

"He's my younger brother, I'm married that's why the different last names, and he's an Aries," Liar, Jazz thinks. He knows the celestial's earthy birthday and that's not a part of it. "A professional and complete dumbass, destined to be alone forever and his favorite color is the sunset."

Excuse him? Alone forever?

Fine. Then Jazz will just have to be alone with him.

Because, and the musician is quickly learning, Cas makes forever seem easy. He makes Jazz feel like someone who'd actually get to be happy, get to be in a relationship. Get to be loved.

And Jazz wants to be loved, so so bad.

But he also wants to love someone.

To love someone how his papa loves his goddess mama more than life itself, to love how his papa loved when he found that his redemption in all those stories he grew up hearing was his mama all along, love someone like Nyx and Damien love each other to the point of understanding without words, to finding sanctuary in each other's broken pieces, love how Eris and her girlfriend Arabella love each other to the point of finding purpose, of invention, how Dela and her girl Lavender love each other enough to love themselves, to finding serenity and peace in the other's arms.

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