Hope: oh, right. Sorry. Eva. Look after the cat and our prisoner while I find the seeds location. Oh, class. Love you too.

hope turns into an owl and flies over to an abandoned warehouse where her tracker is sending her. She enters through a broken window and turns back and hid from a upper floor to see birds planting seeds with a special chemical to make them grow faster.

Hope: I'm in.

Classified: [ radio] anything?

Hope: [ whisper] I notice they are growing the planets. Really fast.

Corporal: [ radio] where are you at?

Hope: the abandoned warehouse.

???: well, it's a good thing we're near there as well.

( with classified)

Classified was confuse on who was talking on the speaker, but he thought he recognises that voice.

Classified: who is this?

( with the penguins)

The penguins were outside with the north wind blaster they took without them realising.

Skipper: just your friendly neighbour, doggy.

Kowalski: skipper, the blaster is ready to shoot.

Skipper: we will be arriving to our destination any minute now.

Hope: [ radio] skip...this is dangerous.

Skipper: don't worry sweet cheeks. We got this covered. If anything happens, just call us and your team. see you soon.

Hope: wait, skip-

Kowalski: skipper, we are almost there!

Private: skipper, do you think it's necessary?

Skipper: don't worry, private. I will be okay. It's not like anything will bad happen to her. She's tough.

( with hope )

Hope: [ sigh ] damit...okay. You got this.

Hope jumps off the upper floor and went behind the barrels.

Hope: okay, anyone ready?

Eva: [ radio ] ready!

Hope: okay, on my mark in 3...2...1-

Suddenly the barrier was pushed over by a orange parrot.

Orange parrot: talking to someone, north wind?

Hope: Mr. More. I see you look well.

Mr.more: well, yes. But I'm afraid you have something on your face!

He punched Hope right in her face and they began to fight.

Classified: [ radio ] hope, is everything alright? I heard a smack from the background.

Hope: [ fighting] everything is fine! Get to the warehouse quickly!

Classified: [ radio] roger that.

Mr.more took one swing at Hope but she managed to dodge and ran behind the barrel.

Hope: skipper, are you here yet?

Skipper: [ radio ] yep, any second now.

Hope: just hurry.

Hope jumped out as she turns into an owl. Mr. more flies off as Hope chases after him. He looks back and tries knocking some stuff to knock her over.

Never lose hope. ( sequel to Penguins of Madagascar. oc ) Where stories live. Discover now