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I walk to my house after work and go to my room as I look for a simple dress. 

I still can't believe I bumped into Peter. He has grown so much. He looks more handsome than ever. He turned into a grown man. He still has his blonde hair to the side as I always loved it and his laugh still is the same as the one I fell in love with.

I quickly change into a light blue dress and make my hair into a braid as I leave a few strands of hair out in front of me. I walk out the door with a nervous heart and head to the small boat where they were going to have a small party. I always loved to go to see people dance happily with someone. 

I arrive at the place as I walk in the room full of people and music. I go and sit with Blake and her boyfriend. A slow song starts as I see Blake and her boyfriend leave to the dance floor and start to slow dance to the song. I smile remembering when Peter and I used to dance together at all the slow songs in Narnia.

My eyes then go to the door when Peter walks in wearing a white shirt with suspenders on top. 

He meets my eyes and smiles. My heart races with a whirlwind of emotions. My hands start to turn clammy as if it were the first time. I watch him walk up to me and say, "Hey."

I smile at him; shoving all these emotions like I've done all these years. "Hi."

He looks around as he turns back to me. "May I have this dance?"

My heart stops. This is like that time in Narnia at his coronation.... Yet, as he stretches his arm for me to take, I shyly take his hand and softly say just like on that day, "You May."

We walk to the dance floor as we start to slow dance to the music. He then says, "Sorry again about your dress."

I chuckle and say, "It's fine Peter. Really."

He smiles at me and says,"I hope we can, you know...maybe you can show me around now that I haven't been out much."

I smile up at his slight shyness. If only he remembered the silly boy he was in Narnia. "Sure I have a free day tomorrow if you want me to show you around."

He smiles and nods. I look outside and realize it is dark. I look back at him and say, "May I steal you away for a moment?"

He looks at me confused as I say, "Just trust me." My heart reminds me that this is exactly what happened in coronation. Who would've known that Lizzy was still within me....

I take his hand and guide him outside as we start walking to the railing of the boat. I look up at the sky full of bright stars just like our love once was. I suddenly feel someone staring at each. I look at Peter as he is staring at me and say, "What?"

He smiles as he says, "Nothing. Just that your different from many people I've met. And I've met a lot." I chuckle at this but I suddenly let curiosity make me wonder the Peter he's become in the past few years. What does he mean by that? But I quietly listen as he says, "You see the beauty in such little things."

"Well, sometimes people get blinded by power and what other people think of you, don't see that none of that matters. What matters is living every moment as possible and see the beauty around you."

Peter smiles at me and says, "I guess I never thought about it like that." That glint I missed so much in his eyes run through them tonight. 

I chuckle at him as I say, "Right. I'm pretty sure nobody does nowadays."

Peter chuckles at my comment as he says, "Right..."

I look at him with a smirk and say, "Let me guess you were one of those people."

He looks at me with sadness and says, "I guess you can say that...."

I look at him sadly and grab his hand saying, "Peter, it is never too late to change who you are and see the actual beauty of things."

He looks at me and then his eyes go to our hands. His touch brings shivers down my spine and I wish I can just kiss him....

But I quickly let his hand go and say, "Well I should get going. It's getting pretty late."

He looks away from my eyes and softly says, "Ya, you're right, but tomorrow you are going to show me around, right?"

"Yes, Peter, I will."

He smiles at me as I go up to him and kiss his cheek. As I turn around with weak knees, I hear his voice call out saying, "I'll meet you at the cafe!"

I turn around and walk backwards as I say, "Goodnight, Peter!"

I walk away with happiness and love in my heart. I am getting a second chance with the love of my life. I love Peter and always will just like I promised him.

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