When you throw your phone into a pond

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''The game is on, John'' Sherlock said and walked past fabulousely. I'm In a sherlock mode.

It took me 2 weeks to make this and it's kinda short.. but better than nothing. 

The next thing Frank knew was that he was running. Out of the shop. Away from Gerard. In matter of seconds he was back at his apartment. He needed to get out of the city before Gerard could get a chance to find him. Luckily, Frank had kept his address a secret. He almost always did. There was an accident with some creep that one time and ever since that time, Frank had learned to never trust guys with pretty smiles. They could stalk the shit out of you.

He looked around and started to panic. What should he take with him? Should he even leave? Should he just kill Gerard? No, that would be the end of himself. Killing Gerard was suicide. Even he knew that. 

How didn't he know that, it was Gerard fucking Way. How did he even forget that? He was a very popular topic amongst creatures now days. Talks going around about a Way family tracking the best of the best creatures down. Fear was growing in the community.

He knew one thing though. He had to get rid of his phone before Gerard could track him down.

5 seconds later he was out the door, running towards his favorite forest. It was a big forest which surrounded the city. It took Frank frustration and time to get through the thick bushes and plants. But after getting through, Frank was back on track, running towards the center of the forest while trying not to leave a track.

He stopped up when he saw the big pond. It was full of ducks and old leaves and other green stuff, which he would rather not know what is.

The ducks seemed to be pleasant to see Frank. They started to walk towards him while quacking. Frank ignored them and took his phone and threw it in the pond. "Shit..." He muttered to himself. "Okay.. Calm the fuck down, Frank!" He told himself as he looked towards the ducks. He had to calm himself and the peace of nature always helped him do so.

He sat down on the wet forest ground and looked at the ducks. Maybe it was his time. All the people he had hurt. He was sure that Gerard would kill him quickly. Frank was after all not even worth his time. Or, atleast that's how he saw it. 

Frank started to accept that maybe it was the end of his road. He had seen many things through out his life. World war 1, world war 2, the cold war, Marilyn Monroe, the first landing on the moon.. Hell, he was even a soldier on D-day.

This should be the end of his road. 


He thought. He widened his eyes and looked at the ducks that now was sitting on his laps. Yeah, okay, he wasn't ready to die yet. At least not until he killed that son of a bitch, called Alister.

He sighed. If he absolutely had to get out of this city, he would need to get a new name, new house, new friends and just everything. Once again..

"Get off of me.." He murmured and shoved the ducks gently to the side. Somehow the ducks were always following him like he was fucking Snow White or something.

He started to space out, thinking about what would happen and what would not happen. What would had been easier if he had just died like a normal human. Then he would have just been dead. Nothing to cry over, nothing to smile about. Just dead. Time started to go faster than he would had thought because suddenly the sun was going down.

Suddenly his thought were interrupted.

He heard footsteps and a sound from gun load which echoed through the area. He knew who it was and he wasn't sure if he was ready to let this evolve to a bloody fight.

"That was fast.." Frank murmured. He didn't look back. Not even a glance. He didn't want to look at Gerard. At least not in this situation. "It was easy to track you. I'm kinda disappointed." Gerard answered. Frank shivered. There wasn't any rhythm or melodic sound that used to be in his voice just an hour ago. It was just plain and cold as ice.

"I would guess you are a ghoul, Iero." Frank rolled with his eyes. He hated it when people called him Iero. It reminded him of school, which wasn't really the best memories of his life.

Frank started to pout on what to answer. If he said yes, he would lie, if he said no, he would still lie. Either way he would get himself killed and Frank really wanted to get out of this alive. "Actually.. I'm more of a.." He looked for the right thing to say. "Uhm.. Soul eater." That made the situation worse, he knew that of course. But he wasn't really lying, so that fit well in as a honest answer.

".. But you eat humans." Gerard answered and he thanked the gods that Gerard's voice was a bit more chilled. "Yes.. Normally the human soul is attached to the body, so to consume the soul you would need to eat the flesh." Fran explained a bit too fast. But being nervous as he was, he couldn't really do anything about it.

After a few awkward seconds which seemed to be an eternity for Frank, he finally answered. "I see.. So you're a bound ghoul.

"Yes." Frank just answered. "So you were born a human?" Gerard asked with what sounded like sadness in his voice.

Frank didn't understand how he still was alive but he figured it was his chance to get something out of this. "Uhm.. Yeah.. Around the year 1900.. I don't really remember anymore."
Frank said with a grimace. He hadn't really told anyone when he was born or the fact that he was a bound ghoul. Not even his friends. (which was mostly creatures from around the world)

"Then let's find your dealer and make you human again." Gerard said. He sounded deep serious in his statement. Frank gasped a bit too loud. He then shot his head to the side to stare at Gerard who looked like he was the most confident person in the world. Frank didn't know if he wanted to cry or laugh.

1) this was Gerard fucking Way. A hunter. Not any kind of hunter but the best in this state and he wanted to help a creature? That's just too sad to be true.
2) Even if he was being serious it would be impossible to find Alister. Frank had been trying to find that son of a bitch for decades                                                                                                                              3) He doubted that shit legends like ''Bound ghouls can be turned back to human if they kill their bound mate.'' were true.

The conclusion was that Gerard was either a very naive hunter (which was unlikely) or that he just liked to mess with his preys. What a sadistic prick. 

Frank really didn't know what to answer. So he went with his instincts."... What are you playing at?" Frank asked and narrowed his eyes. Gerard kept starring at Frank for a few minutes. Not very pleasant minutes as Gerard's eyes were fixed on Frank's eyes. Frank didn't like making eye contact in awkward or just unpleasant situations.

''I don't want to kill a human.'' Gerard then said.

As the wind started to pick up and getting stronger, it made Frank realize something.

The trees started swaying to the sides and a bunch of leaves started to fly past them and further into the forest. The orange sky with a burning sun going down. The sound of the birds tweeting, the sound of the pond's streaming water, the sound of every part of nature which was heard and seen in that very moment was now burned into Frank's memories forever. It felt like the world lit up with the prettiest colors Frank had ever seen.

Frank then smiled. It felt like he actually was smiling. A smile full of hope and love.

It felt like all the burdens he had with him were taken from him and thrown into the pond like his phone. It felt so refreshing.

''Something's very wrong with you, Way.'' Frank grinned.


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