Death meet

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Woah, First story on this wattpad. Im very excited. huehue. So this story was inspired by Supernatural. But I will make my own monsters in a way. AND WHO EVER FUCKING TRIES TO SPOIL SUPERNATURAL (I'm in season 2 right now) FOR ME, I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND THROW HOLY WATER AT YOU.

Enjoy the story fuckers.

The ears. The ears were ringing too much. Everything was too loud for his liking. It felt like his ears would explode any minute if he was in there any longer. He needed to get out, but he needed to feel the flesh in his mouth as well. The word flesh made him crave even more for his meal. The existence of the word made him go numb in so many ways.

But right now.. The music was too loud, and all these people were dancing and screaming. Frank didn't even know how he had ended up in there in the first place. His head started spinning. He took his left hand and held it in front of his face. It was shaking so much. He couldn't go on like this any more. He knew he would die if he did. And not even any kind of death. The most painful death for a creature like him in existence. Starving to death was a slow process, and he really didn't want to experience that.

He glanced at a girl, that sat beside him. She had black hair, that sat loosely in a pony tail. Her lips was full of red lipstick, and she had a little too much eyeliner on. Her bright brown eyes looked at the people that were dancing. Frank noticed that she was sad and lonely, by the way she looked at the people. He wondered if anyone would miss her. There probably would be someone missing her. She was very pretty and looked like she was at least loved by someone. He then looked at the people dancing. He didn't know how he had ended up at a disco, it just suddenly happened when he had finally decided to go for a walk. Then he had smelled someone, and here he was. Waiting. He then looked up at the bartender that looked a bit too stoned for work.

He then looked at the girl again. He leaned towards her with a smirk. ''Hey there.'' He said. The girls head turned around. She looked shocked. Like it was the first time someone had talked to her in years. ''Uh.. Hi.'' She said nervously, as she lay her hands on the bar table. ''Can I get a name?'' He asked, still smirking. She nodded nervously. ''Yeah of course.'' She said, now smiling. ''My name's Alicia.'' She said with a cheerful voice. Oh, if she just knew. Frank thought. ''What about me paying you a drink, sweetie?'' He asked, with a grin. ''Aw, that would be lovely..'' She said and giggled.

''But aren't you like 16?'' She then asked and raised her eyebrows. Frank tried not to attack this girl, as he was running out of time and passion. He faked a smile. ''I'm much older than that.'' He said. Then Alicia looked like she had realized something important. ''Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I mean, it's good to look 16.. right?'' she asked with a nervous grin. Frank just nodded. ''Indeed it is.'' He said. ''Well, about that drink.''

After finally making the girl drunk, he had found out that, someone indeed did love her. A boyfriend of hers called Mikey. Alicia described Mikey as a lovely loser, but that didn't stop her from loving him. ''Jesus, how old are you guys?'' Frank had asked Alicia, when he had heard that she was actually pregnant with the losers kid. ''Mm.. Last time I checked I was like 17.'' She had slurred. Frank had rolled with his eyes. Teens and their hormones. Using condoms really wasn't that hard now days, and they weren't expensive either. Hell, she could probably get them free in her school.

After their long conversation, he had to decide. Yes, he was fucking hungry, and yes he was probably dying at the very moment, but come on. She was a teenager, with a kid in her stomach. But he knew that he had to do something before he fell into the deep sleep. But he couldn't just let Alicia go around drunk as fuck either. Someone could attack her and rape her. ''I'm gonna drive you home.'' Frank said, as he raised himself from the bar chair he was sitting in. Alicia slurred some words he didn't understand. ''What?'' He asked, a little bit annoyed that he had taken a sweet spot for this weird girl. ''Take me home to Mikey..'' she then murmured. ''Right..'' Frank grunted, as he remembered that he didn't have his car with him. ''Come on.. I'm tired of this place.'' Frank said and helped Alicia up. ''Danke you.'' She slurred.

Trapping Love - [Frerard]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz