Chapter 2: The Very Beginning

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Now this is the beginning! It may not be the beginning of this story but it's the beginning of our Tutor Group. They always say that the best story starts from the very beginning (no one says that, I just made that up) so that is what I'm doing. Now this is before me and CP moved to this group so I had to rely on their details and experience for this chapter even though some may be a little bit more dramatic than they seem.

Now let's start with CS. Very competitive, really pretty, super likeable but very loud just like our whole tutor. Now she told me a story of when someone stole her lanyard and she cried. Don't worry, I'm just as confused as you are. She produced tears because someone took a long string that holds your card and locker key? In her defence, CS had previously lost her card and key for a whole week and it was very stressful for her being a Year 7 so she didn't want to lose it again *insert red love heart emoji*
I simply just copied down what she said and her side of the story. So where exactly did it start? She messaged saying that, 'there was this guy in my tutor in yr 7 and basically BT took my lanyard and gave it to him and I got mad cuz i hated him and he got a random group of ppl to tell me that he had dropped my lanyard somewhere and I WAS *insert another word for pee here* (I'm trying to keep it clean) bc it wasn't there and now I didnt know where it was cuz he said he didn't have it anymore so I got upset and now everyone thinks I cried bc someone just took my lanyard'.
I have to admit that was a mouthful. Long story short, BT took her lanyard and gave it to a boy that she hated and he told her he lost it so she got upset and cried. Phew! Being a Year 7 is harder than you think it is, especially when your lanyard is the most important thing!

Now a story that I find particularly funny happened in Year 7 again to a trio of girls that were stuck in a very smooth (this is a pun that you'll understand later) situation. It was lunchtime and SG, NP and ML were just trying to have some food when this kid gave them a purple smoothie that they made in Food Tech. Now this was the pun I was trying to make but it ended up not being an extremely good one. Anyway, they were stuck with this purple smoothie so them being them they decided to drink it outside even though they were confused as to why they got given this drink. Turns out the drink was not an appetising one and they wanted to dispose of it because of how disgusting it was. The logical thing would be to put it in the bin but SG, NP and ML decided to run around with it and offer it to the unfortunate soul who would accept it. Luckily, no one was interested so they were stuck with this rancid purple drink with no clue what to do with it. They then went to one of the Head of Years and asked her what to do with it. She turned to them and said, 'girls, just put it in the bin. It's not that hard' which made SG laugh as they didn't think of that before. Turns out the Head of Year was not impressed and got very mad so she sent them inside. Now that's the story of the rancid purple drink. It also reminds me of the cheese touch from The Diary of The Wimpy Kid where no one would touch the cheese and if they did then they got the cheese touch. I suppose that was the closest they were ever going to get to being in that situation!

Now for my best friend. I absolutely adore CP but she has many surprising secrets that don't fail to shock me. Surely the number one rule of being a BFF is to tell each other everything but I only just found out recently. By recently I mean today and by today I mean just now. Now CP is a very sweet, beautiful girl who is very caring but turns out she has two sides to her. Now she had this 'main character' moment in Primary School when the most popular boys liked her. Now that part didn't shock me as who wouldn't like a girl like her? But wait a sec...wait a sec...there's a big dramatic plot twist. These two guys who liked her were besties and CP being the most indecisive person with crushes decided that it would be best if she dated both guys...AT THE SAME TIME!!
Therefore, she didn't have to choose who she liked best because they were both dating her. Now I just messaged CP and remember how I said that our tutor group tends to be over dramatic? Yeah well turns out I changed a big detail of the story. No need to be so shocked, you can have a sigh of relief because it turns out that she didn't date them both at the same time but they KNEW that she dated them both before. At least it had a better ending than I expected even though she went to the next friend the day after breaking up with the other boy. Tut tut CP...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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