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   You followed the Mandalorian and the child down the ramp and into the green scenery. Outside, was a small village in an open clearing, it looked beautiful. For years you've only looked at sand and mountains, and of course the beautiful sunsets, but this.. it was just so green and amazing.

"For a long time I thought that I'd never see so much green in one planet again."
You only received a chirp from the green baby.

You all continued down to the village, crossing a small bridge of land, you were all then stopped by a lady.

"Your huts will be down by the river over there. It's big enough for all three of you."

"Thank you."
The three of you headed towards the hut and you instantly sat on one of the beds. "I call this one."

Mando rolled his eyes behind his helmet. "Real mature."
You only slightly smiled to yourself.
"So am I just gonna have these cuffed on me forever or.."

"Not forever, only until I turn you in."

You suppressed a sigh, "I'm not going anywhere."

"That's what they all say."

You thought for a moment, "how about this? You uncuff me, and I won't escape."

"Unlikely story."

"Oh C'mon! I just want to have the freedom to have my hands in front of myself for once!"

Before Mando could say anything the woman from before peered inside the hut. "I hope everything's as expected."

"It's perfect, thank you Omera."

She smiled at him and gave a small nod. She then turned to you, "who's this? Another friend?"

"She's a bounty that will help sustain me and the kid for a while. I need to take her to Jakku."

Omera only gave you a soft glance, "well, I'll be back with some dinner for the three of you."

Mando thanked the lady and walked over to you.
"Hold still."

He grabbed your cuffs and uncuffed your wrists. The feeling of your free wrists felt good as a fresh breeze hit them. "Thanks."
He continued to ignore you, but you only remained silent.
You laid back on the bed and turned your back towards the Mandalorian.

After 10 minutes, Omera came back with dinner for all of you. She placed them on a small table located at the corner of the hut.
Mando thanked the woman once again and divided the meals. You stood up from your bed and took the meal from Mando's hands, giving him a nod of acknowledgment. He gave the child a plate of frog legs.
You watched as the child ate his meal.

"He was hungry." You said smiling.
"Yea, we don't have much food in the ship."

It was night and mando was sitting by the fire with Cara Dune, who happened to stop by.
"So, whats the action now?" Cara asked.

"I have a bounty to turn in. She's in the hut we're staying in."
"A she huh?"
"Don't get any ideas."
"Who is she?"
"A Jedi."

Cara squinted her eyes, "what's her name."

"I don't know, I didn't ask, nor am I planning to."

"Cmon Mando, imagine a Jedi and a Mandalorian—"

"Will never happen."

Cara stayed silent but rolled her eyes. She suppressed a sigh. "Good luck with that then."

Mando continued gazing at the fire until he thought it was finally time for bed. He walked over to the hut to see you sound asleep. He looked along the center of the hut to see the child asleep as well, he walked over to the crib and gently pulled the covers over his little body.
Mando then turned to you. Your covers had fallen over the bed and you were in a tight ball, attempting to stay warm against the night breeze.
He let out an audible sigh and grabbed the covers off the floor. He extended the blanket over you and stopped at your resting face. You looked.. peaceful.
His gaze slightly lingered but quickly snapped out of it.
Mando made his way towards his own bed and took off his armor, only leaving his helmet on.

    You weren't sure what time it was, but it was still night. You slightly opened your eyes to see a dark roof, slightly panicked, you sat up quickly. Just as you sat up, you realized where you were.

Still in the hut

You calmed your breathing and looked around. You could barely make the silhouette of the Mandalorian and the crib of the baby. You slowly lowered your head back into bed.

I could escape, he's asleep and he won't know until I'm already in the air.
The thought crossed your mind however you pushed it away. Why? You didn't know. Maybe it was the fact that Obi Wan had foresaw something? You had no idea.
Your thoughts where interrupted by a loud rustling outside the hut, followed by small footsteps entering.
You quickly sat up and patted the side of your pants only to feel nothing.


You had left your saber in the ship.

You thought for a moment and remembered the flashlight on the desk near mando. You quickly grabbed it and flashed the light forwards to find a cat-like creature standing on the railing of the Child's crib.
"SHOO SHOO GET OUT OF HERE." You tried whisper-yelling but that didn't stop the Mandalorian from waking up.
Suddenly a blaster fire was sound, mando had shot the creature's leg.

You slowly lowered your flashlight to the creature who was whimpering in pain, then to mando who still had his blaster pointing at the animal's direction however he was slowly lowering it to his thigh.
You let out a sigh of relief and you spoke lowly, "you know you didn't have to shoot it."

"It was going to harm the kid."

You lowered your head to the hurt creature. Walking towards it, it started to panic until you gently caressed the animal's head and ears. "It's okay.. it's gonna be okay."
Your hand slowly traveled to it's leg and you concentrated. You allowed the force to flow from your body to your hand, slowly healing the wound of the blaster. Once the wound was completely shut, you released a small sigh; feeling a small dizziness.
Behind you the Mandalorian watched in awe, he has never seen this before, especially from a Jedi.

"I thought you Jedi's were dangerous sorcerers."

"Not all of us, it's not the Jedi way. Past Jedi's may have been, but not me. I was taught to protect others, to do what's best for others."
The cat-like animal slowly got up from its place and smelt your hand and rubbed his head against it. You softly smiled and petted his head before it scampered off into the wilderness again.
You cautiously rose from your spot on the floor and made your way to the child, he was awake but calm in your presence, you caressed his head as the child closed his eyes once again.

Mando watched you the whole time, he didn't know what to feel or think. Your slow and gentle gestures countered everything he thought about Jedi's.
"Thank you.... for looking after the child. He could've been hurt."

The small 'thank you' caught you by surprise.

"It was no problem."


New chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed <3

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