December Special Twenty-Four: The Perfect Date

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Hel gladly came in and Sirius perked up like a dog hearing his name. His eyes locked with Hel's and Pandora quickly stepped aside as Sirius picked up Hel and spun her in the air, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Hel!" Sirius yelled excitedly, "I've missed you!"

"I missed you too, my love," Hel said smiling as she pressed another kiss to Sirius' lips, "But I need to take my coat off and get the presents in."

"No, you spend quality time with your love, we've got this," Loki said smiling as he bent down and pressed a kiss to Hel's head, taking her coat.

Pandora smiled at the three of them and saw Narfi and Vali, seemingly itching to go somewhere. Pandora looked to where they were staring and saw they were looking at James and Remus.

"You can go over there you know, they'll be delighted," Pandora said as she winked at Remus and James before offering to take everyone's coats and put them in the coatroom. She could hear yells and two little voices screeching, "JAMES! REMUS!" as she went away.

𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖚𝖘' 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖁𝖎𝖊𝖜:

Remus grinned as Narfi and Vali fawned over James and Sirius, it was quite funny. While at Asgard, the two little boys had practically imprinted onto James and Sirius. Remus found it utterly hilarious how they would follow James and Sirius everywhere while James and Sirius followed Loki everywhere.

"Can we see the Marauders map?" Narfi asked his amber eyes lighting up and James grinned.

"Sure, let me go get it," James said as he scurried up to his room to go grab the map.

Pandora came back from the coat closet, Remus smiled as Pandora blew a kiss over to him before heading over to the kitchen to finish her treats. Remus looked over and saw that Sigyn, Mrs Potter, and his mother were already chatting.

"So, Mrs Potter still has it?" Hel asked, as she pulled Vai into her lap and started running her fingers through his wavy two-year-old hair.

Remus nodded while Sirius made faces at Vali, causing the little boy to laugh. Remus just chuckled and watched as James practically leapt down the stairs, the Marauder's Map like a flag in his hands, flapping around everywhere.

"I'VE GOT IT!" James screeched, and no one was even startled by the crazy boy running down the stairs, Remus was sure they all knew how James was by then.

James happily plopped down by Narfi, who was sitting by Hel on the side that wasn't occupied by Sirius, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," he whispered and the map revealed, well, the map. He grinned as he opened the map up and showed Narfi, who, even though Remus was sure he spent the entire time they were at Asgard staring at the map, seemed to be still fascinated by it. He traced his still kind-of chubby nine-year-old fingers along with the drawings.

Remus heard the doorbell ring and looked over, Pandora was about to run and get it, but Remus yelled out, "I've got it!" before going over to get the door. He opened it and nearly grimaced when he saw Mrs Lacey, Mr Lacey, and Declan with two bags.

Both James and Hel looked up, but with very different expressions on their faces. James' was one of pure joy, and Hel's was one of slight disgust, which turned into an evil grin as she gently set Vali in Sirius' lap before walking over. James skipped over...

"Hello Mrs Lacey, Mr Lacey," Remus said politely even though he felt extremely tired. The full moon was tomorrow, but luckily they already had a plan for that, "How are you?"

The Laceys didn't answer, rather, Mrs Lacey pushed Declan into the room and Declan stumbled a little bit before brushing some snow off of his shoulder. He weakly smiled at Remus before James took his bags and coat.

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