You then walked in the corridors, going towards the astronomy tower. Then, when you were turning the corner, you accidentally bumped into Draco Malfoy and his goons.

"Watch where you're going, mudblood." He said with his signature smirk.

You were about to yell at him. You had fury embedded in your eyes, and he could tell. Your fist started to clamp up. After about three seconds, you got yourself together, and let it go. 

Your fury and rage were clear in your eyes, yet instead of yelling at them, you didn't meet their piercing eye contact by staring at his chest and apologizing. "Sorry". You mumbled, picking up your books and leaving for the astronomy tower. Did he even deserve for you to go after that stupid stunt?

After about five minutes of waiting, Malfoy entered.

"Hey." He waved.

"Why'd you want me to come here?" You were not having it after what just happened.

"I actually don't know, I just wanted to watch the birds, and maybe wanted you to watch with me." He nervously said, whilst playing with the rings on his fingers.

After that line, you realized that this wasn't the vile person who called you a mudblood, it was a sweet person, under the mask. Bipolar shit.

"Listen, you're angry that I called you a mudblood-- or at least you should be. I know I would be furious for less. Because of that, I'll let you yell at me right here, right now. How does that sound?"

"I don't need your pity, Malfoy."

"I don't want your feelings to be hurt because of me." He mumbled. You couldn't make out what he said.

"Excuse me?" 

"Nothing-- I'm literally letting you yell at me. Just let me have it." How weird.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, obviously."

"Alright, fine." You took a deep breath in to channel your inner demon. "I hate when you call me mudblood. Yes! I get it I had muggle parents, but guess what, it doesn't mean that you have to remind me every single bloody time I talk to you! And, obviously, I've gotten used to you calling me that for four years! Four damn years I just let you call me that. It doesn't mean that since I've gotten used to you calling me 'mudblood'; it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt as much as the first time. And-- and, every damn time you call me that, you talk about my parents... it just reminds me of their death-- their murder. II think I've gotten over it, but every time you call me it, I think otherwise." You sighed, catching your breath and started to look anywhere else but him. He pinned you against the wall next to the railing.

"Kiss me." How did the Draco Malfoy go from hating you all of these years to. . . this?

"Excuse me?" Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger. "That's what you get from that? I just pent my heart out and you want me to kiss you."

"I said kiss me. You look hot when you get angry. Why do you think I want you to do it often?"

"What? Get me angry?"

"Yes, exactly that." He muttered, leaning in to kiss you but stopping an inch away from your mouth. "I'm not gonna do all of the work, am I?" How did he go from angry to cute to this? If he's a bipolar piece of shit, then what is this-- Oh, who bloody cares, Y/N, just let it happen, jeez.

You then took your head off of the wall, leaning toward his. The two of you got lost in the moment as you felt his icy, cold arms wrap around you. You started to wrap your arms around his neck. You suddenly pulled back your lips and arms. He was only two inches away, so you could hear his breathing and smell his minty breath. "Y- you just took my first kiss." Your eyes showed clear shock, as your eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, I have to say, you're not too bad at kissing me, then. Would you like me to be your second kiss too?" When you were still on the wall, his lips met yours a second time. 

His lips felt like clouds, as he licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance to your mouth. Since you had no idea how this was supposed to go, you didn't let him in. With one of his hands still wrapped around your waist, the other went to the left of your head, supporting him from crashing onto you. Your hands returned to his neck, deepening the kiss, whilst pulling him more in. 

Sometime after that, the two of you pulled back and went silent, still catching your breath. You both, for the rest of lunch, laid on the flooring, watching the birds. But in your head, you were just replaying the kiss all over again. This made you slightly grin and blush, making your cheeks heat up to a rosy shade. Little did you know, he was also replaying the kiss.

"Is that how kisses are supposed to go?" You questioned. He chuckled.

"Only goes well if it's me."

"Whatever you say, Malfoy." You sighed, seeing the time. "I should leave, class is about to start. See you during tomorrow's session?"

"Yes, obviously, my parents pay you for a reason."

"Shut up, Malfoy, I'm trying to have a moment." You reprimanded, slightly limping out the door. Pausing for a second, you looked back. "Goodbye, for now, Malfoy." 

"I shall see you soon, L/N." He practically whispered.


It was dinnertime and Malfoy was just staring at you. Damn creep. Of course, you knew that someone was staring at you; you could feel it. You just didn't know who. You started searching, and you recognized blue eyes staring into your soul. You then realized that it was Malfoy.

"Hello, students. As you know I am Professor Dumbledore. We will be picking our champions, tonight."

Everyone started whispering and conspiring about who it would be.

"Whoever gets picked they will stand. Whoever stands, they will stand alone."

Professor Dumbledore walked to the goblet, while everyone was silent. He grabbed a cinched piece of paper that the goblet spits out.

"The champion from the Beauxbatons is..."

 If you watched the movie or read the book, NO SPOILERS!!! Also, hehe you kissed Draco ;) Ya like that?

 You know what? Screw it, I'll try to post every day, but I have school, so it might vary a bit. Anyways... Have a good day or night, loves!



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