25-Kursed Katie

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The match was on your birthday! Lucky you. You woke up, and wore leggings, your skirt over that, and for your top half of your body, you wore your bra, your undershirt, your white long sleeve (That you wear everyday), your tie, and a sweater (That has Hufflepuff colours and the sign) over that. For your makeup, you had foundation on, lip gloss, eye shadow, blush, mascara, and eyeliner(It still looked a bit natural). You went to breakfast, and sat in the Hufflepuff table for the beginning of breakfast.

"Someone looks dressed up. What's the occasion?" Jared instantly saw that you put time into your makeup instead of just putting a quick spell on.

"Very funny." You got some oatmeal, and started to eat,

"What? Is it your birthday or something?"


"Oh! Happy birthday, then, Y/N."

"Thank you, Jared. You've a little-"

"A little what?"

"You have a little like chocolate or something on your cheek." You pointed at your own cheek.

"Oh, thanks. Did I get it?" He wiped it off.

"You got it." You finished up your oatmeal and made your way to the Gryffindor table. "Hey guys!"

"Hey, Y/N. After breakfast, do you guys want to get a butterbeer after breakfast?"

"Sure." You agreed, but you knew that you wouldn't drink.

"That'd be nice," Ron replied.

"Erm okay. Oh, and Y/N. Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Mione." You'd made your way down to three broomsticks, and it was really hard to get there, considering that there was a lot of snow in your way.

"Four butterbeers and some ginger and lime, please." Hermione said to the waitress. You saw Harry staring at something, so you looked where he was. It was Draco. Why was he here?

"Oh bloody hell." He saw Ginny and Dean together.

"Ron, they're only holding hands. At least it's not worse-" You tried to say, but they started to snog off.

"What is it, you were saying?"

"Just forget what I just said."

"I'd like to leave." The waitress put down your butterbeers.

"What? You can't be serious." Hermione started to get a bit angry.

"That happens to be my sister."

"So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? Or Harry snogging Y/N? Would you expect her to get up and leave?" You saw Harry wave someone over. It was Slughorn. Harry instantly got up, greeting him.

"Heyy, my boy." You could tell that Slughorn was drunk, he was starting to slur his words.

"Wonderful to see you."

"And you, and you."

"So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, Three Broomsticks and I go back further than I care to admit. I can remember when it was one broomstick!" He accidentally spilt some of his drink onto your hair. You flinched and looked at your hair. The right-front of it was soaked. You wanted to yell at him, but instead just ignored it, and grabbed your wrist, HARD. Harry laughed at what Slughorn just said.

"It's okay. We'll get you cleaned up once we get back." Hermione re-assured you.

"Oh! All hands on deck, L/N." You started to grip even tighter on your wrist, and it was turning red, then a bit purple. You knew it was going to bruise. "Listen, my boy. In the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper party. Select student or two. Would you be game?"

"I'd consider it as an honour, sir." Harry was stuttering a bit. He turned to you and Hermione.

"You'd be welcome too, L/N and Granger."

"I'd be delighted, sir." Hermione almost spit out her butterbeer.

"Of course, professor." You said, trying to be polite, when all you wanted to do was kill him.

"Splendid. Look for my owl. Good to see you, Wallenby." He gave Ron another look, and left.

"Sorry, Ron." He just completely ignored you.

"What are you playing at?" You could tell Ron was furious at Harry.

"Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him."

"Get to know him?"

"I dunno. It must be important."

"It is. So, you better not screw this up, Harry." You muttered under your breath.

"Sorry, what did you say, Y/N? I couldn't quite understand you."

"I- I didn't say anything."

"Alright." He looked back at Ron. "It must be, or else Dumbledore wouldn't've asked. You took a sip of your butterbeer and kind of enjoyed it. You took a few more tiny sips and it got terrible. You saw Hermione already finished her's so, you passed it to her.

"Mione, do you want my butterbeer?"

"Sure. If you're not going to drink it." She chugged the glass. The only thing left was a mustache from the foamy top of the glass.

"Hermione- You have a little-" Ron pointed to a mustache.

"Oh!" She turned to you and wiped it off. "Did I get it?"

"Yup. You got it." You were getting your galleons out, but Harry paid. You exited Three Broomsticks, walking back to Hogwarts. Hermione looked. . . pleasant. "Hermione, you're drunk. Here, do you need help walking?"

"I'm fine, bro." She was clearly slurring her words now.

"Ha. Alright, if you say so." You saw Katie Bell starting to go up and down. "She- She's hexed."

"I- I told her not to touch it. But, I swear I didn't know what happened. I swear! She just touched the necklace!" Hagrid came and got Katie.

"Only touch that by the wrappings. Nothing else." You got the book, only by the wrappings, and gave it to Hagrid.


McGonagall started asking Katie's best friend questions, then excused her.

"How come whenever something bad happens, it's always you four?" She paused, while you were looking down at your shoes. "Why would Katie be delivering this to Albus?" Snape came in and examined the necklace.

"It is cursed indeed."

"It was Malfoy. It was Malfoy who cursed her." Harry said.

"That is a very strong accusation, Mister Potter. Do you have any evidence?"

"No, but I already know it's him."

"That's absurd," Snape said, in his blank voice, like always.

"Go to your dormitories. Now. And do try not to get into any more trouble." You left to your common room.

"How come your hair is all messed up?" Jared was reading his book, again.

"Just went out in the snow."

"That's funny."

"How is it funny?"

"That Katie Bell got cursed."

"How do you know about that?"

"Rumors spread quickly." You weren't sure if you could trust him. Is he a bad guy or a good guy? Who can tell?

Hey, loves! So, I probably won't be on a 'regular' schedule for now. It's kind of hard to get my thoughts out for this book and I need to finish some schoolwork lmfao. Happy New Years , everyone, and see you next time I post! 



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