39 - Dobby!

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You looked to Luna's direction to see her and. . .


And. . .Malfoy? Draco Malfoy. They laughed, then saw you were looking in their direction. 

"Sorry, did we wake you?" Luna didn't look great.

"No, it's completely fine." You answered, looking at everyone else, who was dead asleep. 

"Shit, the time. I have to go. Guys, be prepared for anything in thirty minutes, okay? I think my fucking father may have told Voldemort about Potter being here. Good luck, Luna, Y/N." He opened the dungeons and went out. You walked over to Luna and sat down, next to her. 

"Is he always here to give you company?"

"When he can. He's very nice about that. He also talks about you and how he misses you." You were shocked.

"R- Really?" You grinned slightly. 

"Yeah! I think he loves you, but just won't say it." 

"Well he's not the only one- Shit, did I just say that out loud?"


"Right. Should I wake everyone up, now?"

"Sure. Here, I'll help you." She woke up Ron and you woke up Mione, who gave you back your hoodie, then Harry. Death eaters came in, people who you've seen in papers. Yaxley, Dolohov, and Nott were their surnames. They grabbed everyone by their hair and dragged you out of the dungeon. You were at the side of the room and Yaxley gripped you so your arms were at your sides, and his hand was around your waist and arms. He took his other hand off of your hair. 

You were met with Draco, Narcissa, Lestrange, and Malfoy on the other side of the room, while Marovolo was in the centre. Fuck! Malfoy actually called him.

"Anyone care to join our Death Eater team?" Marovolo looked between the four of you.

"Why the hell would we ever, EVER want to join it?"You snapped back in a low growl. He glared over at you, so did Draco. He grabbed your throat. "Why not just 'Avada Kadavra' me?" He gripped your throat tighter, and you clenched your fists. 

"I want you to feel even more pain."

"Do it. Choke me. I dare you."

"Put everyone in the dungeon, except for her."

"Yes, my lord." He let go of your throat, and you were really scared, just didn't show it. You had no idea why he didn't just straight up kill you. They(The others of the golden quad) were pushed into the dungeon. While Harry was screaming:


You were pushed onto the ground and Yaxley left the room, leaving only you and Marovolo.

"Now, where is your wand?" You stood up. You thought it was strange that he didn't just kill you, so you wanted to see if you pissed him off, then maybe he would kill you.

"It's weird how you look now, then before, Tom Marovolo Riddle."

He cast an illusion spell. "Is that better?" He was sarcastic. "Where. Is. Your. Wand."

"They took my wand."

"That so-called 'wand?' It's a fake, I can obviously tell. Now, give me your wand, before something absolutely horrid happens." Eh- Let's mess with him, shall we? Let's see how this turns out.

"I told you, they took my wand."

"I tried to give you a chance." He opened the door. "Get Draco in here!" He yelled. Why would he want Draco to come inside the room? Fuck, what if you didn't give your wand, then he would kill Draco. You couldn't have that.

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