Chapter 1

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Rivendell was beautiful this time of the morning. The trees around the edge of the courtyard let light spill through the gaps in the leaves, causing it to appear to be dancing on the ground. The sky was a lovely shade of blue, but there seemed to be a distant shadow that was growing; I could feel it. Though, the distant sound of the rushing waterfall was comforting; there was just a sense of peace here in Imladris. I softly sang a little song that I remember from my childhood.

My heart is light, nothing weighs me down.
I feel like I'm flying, I'm off the ground.
I feel peace.
There's nothing around, there's not a sound,
But you're here with me, I'm happy as can be.
I feel peace.

But, as with all things, my peace comes to an end when I hear footsteps approaching me. I turn around and see Arwen seemingly gliding across the ground. How she walks with such grace I do not know, for even though I am an elf, I am nowhere near as graceful as she. Her long, black hair shines in the sunlight, though her face seems troubled. I didn't have to read her mind to know that something was the matter.

"Arwen, dear friend, what is troubling you?" I asked. I grew slightly more concerned as I felt the worry radiating off of her.

"My father wishes to speak with you. Something is coming, Mirya. A darkness has been steadily growing and adar grows worried," she said, her voice almost seeming to tremble.

"Where is he?"

"He has been pacing in his private library since the early hours of this morning. I fear for the future, Mirya."
Though not a common gesture among elves, I hugged Arwen. She returned the hug gratefully, before pulling away and saying,

"Go, speak to my father. Time may be running out." And with that, I hastily made my way to Lord Elrond's library.


When I made it to Lord Elrond's library, he was pacing the floor as Arwen had said, his face furrowed in concentration. When I walked in, he looked up to me.

"Ah, Miryalinda, thank you for coming so quickly. How have you been, my child?" Elrond asked, coming over to me with a gentle smile and placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I have been well, though I sense that you are not. Arwen tells me something has been troubling you."

Elrond sighed before saying, "Yes, indeed, very troubling. Black riders have been seen near our lands. I suspect they are the Nazgul."

"Ringwraiths?" I asked in disbelief.
"But that could only mean one thing..." I trailed off, not wanting to say what I was thinking.

"That the One Ring has surfaced, yes, you are correct." There was a moment of silence before I spoke up.

"What would you like me to do?" I asked. When it came to protecting Rivendell, especially Arwen and Lord Elrond, I wouldn't hesitate to lay down my life. I grew up here under Lord Elrond's care, though where I was truly from I did not know. But what I did know was that I have the gift of telepathy, something Lord Elrond taught me to control and to not tell anyone I have it unless absolutely necessary, or I trust them completely. Lord Elrond was like a father, and Arwen like a sister. I didn't want anything to happen to them.

"I need you to find Estel. He should be in the village of Bree at the inn of the Prancing Pony. I need you to set out immediately and find him, and tell him to return here to Rivendell."

"Of course." I turned to leave before Elrond stopped me.

"Miryalinda-" Elrond called, hesitating before saying, "-be careful."

"I will. Don't worry." And with that, I headed to my room to pack what I needed.


First, I changed into traveling clothes: a long sleeved, emerald green tunic that stopped just above my knees, a pair of brown leggings, paired with my brown boots that stopped a little bit below my knee. I tied my belt around my waist, and tied my sword sheath to it. Next, I grabbed my daggers and placed two in each of my arm braces and one in each of my boots. I also grabbed my cloak, which was black and had a decorative golden edge. Finally, I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows. My bow was exquisite to look at. It was made of light colored wood, and had a design around the middle that looked like vines reaching out from the center. I wasn't the best with shooting a bow and arrow, but I tried. Ironic right? Other elves could shoot a bow and arrow just fine, but not myself. Although, it's better to have it then not. I had grabbed my satchel and put a spare tunic and leggings in it and was just about to leave before a sparkly object caught my eye. There, on my nightstand, was the necklace Arwen had given me upon my first arrival in Imladris. Why I didn't put it on this morning I do not know, but I walked over and picked it up. It was silver, in the shape of a rose, and had a diamond in the center. The outside edges of the petals were encrusted with little diamonds. It was truly beautiful. Slipping it around my neck, I left my room and went to the kitchens to grab some food for my short journey.

After that, I walked down to the stables and got my horse. She was a beautiful white mare, and her name was Taysonglor. Shortly after I had begun my training to be a shieldmaiden of Imladris, Lord Elrond gifted her to me. She neighed softly as I approached her and combed my fingers through her white main. "Mae govannen, mellon," I whispered softly to her. Saddling her up and whispering for her to ride fast, I rode out of Rivendell and into the wild.

First of all, I hope you enjoyed!
Second of all, can anyone guess what her horse's name is a combination of? (Hint: it's a combination of a word and name. The horse color also has something to do with it.)
Whoever guesses it gets a shoutout next chapter! Please be sure to vote and comment, I'd appreciate it! XD

Song of my Heart: A Legolas Fanfic **ongoing**Where stories live. Discover now