Chapter 19

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"Tangado a chadad! (Prepare to fire!)" Aragorn's command sounded, and I readied my bow. I'm still not the best archer, but I could at least try. Notching an arrow, I took aim at an Uruk-Hai.

"Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc. (Their armor is weak at the neck, and beneath the arm.)" Legolas' observation was useful, as I readjusted my aim.

"Hado i philinn! (Release arrows!)" At Aragorn's command, we let our arrows fly, myself grinning that it hit its mark. That was truly the work of the Valar.

"Did they hit anything?" Gimli asked, and I nodded. Another volley of arrows from behind us shot at the Uruk-Hai, killing more of them.

"Ribed bant! (Full volley!)" Another volley of arrows hit the black sea of Uruks at Aragorn's command, but I was itching for some real combat. Gimli shared my views.

"Send them to me! Come on!" More Uruks were being killed, but this seemed all too easy. At that moment, a crossbow was fired, causing a ladder to hook onto the edge of the wall. Aragorn's shouts of ladders and swords was all I needed to hear before I drew my two short swords, the diamonds on the hilts glittering in the night.

Slicing and dodging my way towards a ladder, I heard Gimli shout to Legolas that he had two already. What was that about?

"I'm on seventeen!" Legolas shouted back, and a smirk grew on my face. Oh, it is on.

"I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!" Gimli's indignant cry met my ears as I started counting.

"Five, six," I counted, killing a seventh as I turned around.

"Nineteen!" Legolas shouted, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Show off. I started killing more Uruk-Hai, my count already up to twenty-two. Maybe Legolas wouldn't win this, after all.

Uruk-Hai were running up the causeway to the main gate, but that wasn't our main concern. A lone Uruk was running towards the drain of the wall carrying something. Aragorn shouted at Legolas to bring him down, to kill him, but it was no use. The Uruk made it to the drain, and all at once everything changed. An explosion sounded, and my vision went dark as I was hit with falling debris.


I open my eyes to someone shaking me awake.

"Mirya, Mirya get up," Aragorn said, his frantic voice reaching my ears. I shook my head a few times to clear it, taking Aragorn's outstretched hand to pull me up. He gave me a look as if to ask if I was alright, and I simply nodded. Aragorn left to go shout more orders, and I continued fighting my way through the Uruk-Hai.

"Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!" Théoden shouted, and Aragorn gave the order to the elves. Haldir nodded to Aragorn, but something told me he wasn't going to simply leave. Ignoring Aragorn's worried shouts of my name, I made my way over to Haldir. Aragorn followed me, not wanting to leave anyone behind.

I saw Haldir as he tried to fight off the Uruk-Hai, but there were simply too many of them. Running to his side, I fought them off with him.

"Go back to the Keep, Haldir," I told him in a moment of rest. He started to say something, but shouted at me.

"Miryalinda, behind you!"

I spun around, blade in the air, but it was a little too high. The Uruk's sword sliced through the thin material of my tunic, just below my breastplate. I quickly took care of the disgusting creature, leaning on Haldir as the pain of the blow started to hit me.

"Haldir, take her back to the Keep!" Aragorn shouted, seeing my injured state. I wanted to protest, but knew that Aragorn was right. Besides, he never said I had to stay there. I could just throw a quick bandage on and get back to fighting. We already had so few men, I couldn't stay in the Keep and do nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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