Chapter 15

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[A/N: sorry this is so late! I've been super busy, so here is a long overdue chapter! I plan on adding more cute moments in the next one, but please feel free to suggest some cute moments between the two. Thanks! On with the story!

Mounting Arod with Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn on Hasufel, and Gandalf on Shadowfax, we set out for Edoras. I was feeling much better than yesterday, so my hold on Legolas wasn't as tight. However, I did rest my head on his back, his scent comforting my racing mind. Closing my eyes, I breathed in the scent of pine and faint hints of cinnamon and honey. A content smile on my face, I was knocked out of my reverie by Legolas' chuckle.

"Enjoying yourself, mellon nin?" I didn't have to see his face to know he was smirking. I rolled my eyes at his childishness before replying.

"What about you, pretty boy? Don't think I haven't noticed the looks the others keep giving us." Aragorn, Gimli, and even Gandalf laughed at my comment, and I knew I won. I smirked as he seemed to go a bit stiff, but all our fun seemed to dissipate as we came to a stop on top of the hill.

"Edoras, and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong," Gandalf said darkly, and I could sense the trepidation and even slight fear and nervousness rolling off everybody in waves. Silently, we rode closer to the city. "Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here," Gandalf continued, and I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. If Gandalf was worried, there was reason for all of us to be.


As we entered the gates, a flag of Rohan came flying down past us. A chill went down my spine, and I couldn't help but tighten my hold on Legolas. He placed his hand on my own, reassuring me he wasn't leaving me. The closer we got to the hall, however, I felt a growing sense of darkness. Whatever awaited us there wasn't good.

I looked up to the hall and saw a woman in a white dress, her blonde hair flowing in the wind. Even from this distance, I could sense her emotions. Fear was the most prominent, though there was also hopelessness and depression. If she was any indication of what was going on inside, I knew my thoughts were correct, as awful as they were.

The townspeople were silent as we rode up to the hall. "You'd find more cheer in a graveyard," Gimli commented, and I would have laughed if not for the fact we were headed for imminent danger.

Dismounting our horses, we walked up the stairs towards the hall where guards came out to greet us. How nice, a welcome party, I thought to myself.

"I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame, by order of Grima Wormtongue," a guard addressed us, and he looked to be in charge. Whoever Grima was, he just sounded awful. But the way the guard said his name confirmed it. Gandalf gave us a nod and we all, though reluctantly, disarmed ourselves.

Handing over my swords, quiver and bow, and daggers from my arm braces, I was about to walk forward when Legolas and Aragorn both gave me a look. Sighing, I reached into my boots and handed over my last two daggers. The guards looked at each other and their looks didn't go unnoticed by me, and I inwardly smirked. Never underestimate a lady, no matter how pretty she may be.

"Your staff," the same guard from before told Gandalf.

"Oh, no. You would not part an old man from his walking stick?" Gandalf replied innocently, and I had to look down to hide both the smirk on my face and silent laughter. Gandalf put up an old man facade just to keep his staff so he could free the king. He should be known as Gandalf the Wise, not Gandalf the White if you asked me. Speaking of him, he sent a wink to both Aragorn and I. I saw Aragorn smile, and Legolas "helped" Gandalf walk by interlocking his arm with his own.

Song of my Heart: A Legolas Fanfic **ongoing**Where stories live. Discover now