04| proud and disappointed

Comenzar desde el principio

"W-what are yo-you doing? I am sorry okay. I didn't mean to ruin your night. A drug must of been slipped in my drink or I would never have acted in such a way believe me. I do not know of what I did but I apologize for any inconvenience I brought you. If there is anything I can do to repay you, then I will gladly do it. I-" His voice cuts me off before I could finish talking.

"Let's go."

We moved so quickly that I didn't even know when he open my door and when he opened his. He dragged me to his room and I let him without fighting back. I was too shocked to truly do anything. My body didn't know how to function being shocked to many times in such a short period of time. This man continues to surprise me non stop.

I look around to see that he had dragged me to his kitchen. My mouth opens but no words come out as I glance around.

"I want you to prepare pasta for me."


"Are you deaf Miss Talin? I said want you to prepare pasta. The one that you oh so loved so much. I want to decide if the pasta you make is truly as good as you make it sound. Now, make the pasta, Miss Talin. " I stayed silent.

"I-I am confused."

"You simply can't be that unintelligent Miss Talin as I have only given you such a simple task. I would have presumed you were intelligent but you seem so confused at such a simple command. I guess I will have to simplify it to better fit your knowledge. I want you to make me pasta. The one you spoke of the night before."

'Did he just indirectly call me stupid?'

Who in the world does this man think he is! How is it my fault that I am confused on the fact that he wants me to make pasta. It's a strange offer to ask of someone.

Not that he actually asked or anything. It was more like a command or an order.

My mind couldn't wrap around the fact on why he wanted me to make pasta for him. He can't possibly be asking me to make pasta just to see if it tastes good. I am sure that he has many professional chefs that could make far better pasta than mine.

I rarely made pasta or any food after my mother died. We shared so many fond memories with each in our kitchen that it hurt cooking without her by my side. One time we were cooking pasta together when I was a small girl and we decided to add random ingredients to see how it would taste. Needless to say we have been adding those secret ingredients every time we made pasta after that. It was amazing but my father never thought that. He didn't like it as much as my mother and I did but he ate it regardless to make us happy.

When he used to prioritize my happiness.

"What about the ingredients?" I softly said looking at him.

"Do not worry about the ingredients. I am sure everything you need is here and if you need a certain ingredient then I can get someone to get it for you. However, I am sure everything you need should be here." I nod and move toward the kitchen.

My eyes roamed the cabinets as I scratched my head. I see Darius looking towards me with his brows raised noticing my actions. I quickly drop my hand and start rummaging through all the cabinets in search for the utensils and ingredients to appear as though I knew what I was doing. I was aware of the fact that I could have asked him about the things I needed but I knew it would only result in me being insulted in some way.

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