Chapter four

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Y/n's POV
Hermione,Ron,Harry and I are sitting on the train on our way to school. Those last two days at the burrow were the most hilarious, enjoyable,thrilling two days I think I've ever experienced. However they were also embarrassing...

As soon as I wake up I am instantly confused. This isn't Ginny's room. It's Ron's. My head aches as the memories from last night come flooding back, instant regret and embarrassment filling my chest. Even though I only remember parts of it as I drank so much fire whiskey. Parts like dancing on the table and passing out in front of everyone, including Ron. He must have brought me up here.

I shudder in the train compartment as that memory comes back to me. "Cold?" I hear a voice from next to me ask. Oh crap I forgot I was sitting next to Ron. He can't know that I was thinking about him. I thought as I turned slowly to face him.

"Yeah but only a little." I reply quickly. I've always been good at coming up with excuses (a trait I am 100% sure I got from dad).

"Here put this on." He said about to take off his jumper.

"No it's okay really I'm not that cold." I respond quickly not wanting him to be cold just so I wasn't when I'm not even cold.

"Okay if you insist." He says. The rest of the train ride was pretty awkward after that. Harry and Hermione might have said something if they weren't staring at each other the whole time, although it was only when the other wasn't looking.


After two days of classes I was already behind on homework thanks to the new DADA professor Umbit- sorry Umbridge. So one night I was up late doing it.

"Y/n, why are you up so late?" It was Ron.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ron did I wake you?" I ask looking up from the DADA book I was trying so desperately to understand. I wasn't really paying attention. Plus spent half the lesson arguing with Umbridge.

"No it's okay I was already up I just heard someone moving down here so I came to see who it was." He explains.

"Aww look at you being all Detective Weasley." I tease. "I'm just doing homework."

Ron stayed up with me that night and I completely forgot about my homework (something I would later regret).

A/n this chapter is dedicated to @sarellaiscool for encouraging me to keep writing this story. Anyway this chapter might not be the best because I wrote it all today off the top of my head. I don't plan these chapters I just write them so bare with me. Please comment even just say hi cause it would make my day.
Love you guys bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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