Chapter three

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Y/n's POV
Today it is two days until we go back to Hogwarts and we're spending those two days at the burrow with the Weasley's and Hermione! I am so excited to see- wait what? No I should be excited to go to the burrow because it's the burrow (literally the best house in the wizarding world) not just because I want to see Ron...ok right just finish packing.

BARK! BARK! Ugh dads a dog again. I hate when he does that. I have slight hunch that he only does it to annoy me. I mean don't get me wrong dogs are cool and all but not when your dog is also your dad.

"I'm coming dad!" I shout down the stairs after he wouldn't stop barking.

"Y/n you better hurry up this is getting annoying!" Harry shouts from down stairs.

"Well down you're officially a Black now that you've had to sit through that." I retort as I run down the stairs trunk in hand. Dad growls at me and I smirk at him mischievously.

"Alright let's go." Harry says.


My heart starts to race as we approach the burrow. I'm so excited. We get to the door and suddenly I have an idea. As the only Weasleys who know about the whole animagus thing are Ron and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, I insist we tell the rest of them we got a dog...

Ron's POV
My heart races in anticipation. I'm so excited to see y/n with her beautiful h/c and her bright e/c eyes- wait what? Suddenly I hear a knock I at the door.

"I'll answer it mum!" I shout through the house, running to open the door.

"Ron!!" Y/n yells and she throws her arms around my neck and I snake my arms around her waist. We stay there for what felt like hours or maybe even a few days.

"Ahem." I hear Harry's voice from next to me. Y/n and I break apart, both of our faces more red than I thought was humanely possible.

Y/n's POV
As soon as my hands come into contact with his back the whole world disappears and we're the only ones left. That is until Harry interrupts. I feel my face heat up as I pull away from Ron only to see the twins messing about with dad and I can't help but chuckle.

"Y/n, Harry you got a dog?" George asks.

"Can we keep him?" Fred adds with puppy dog eyes.

"Isn't that-" Ron starts but I give him a look telling him to play along.

"What?" Ginny asks joining the twins.

"Ginny!" I exclaim only just noticing her. She runs over to me and tackles me in a hug.

"Gin did you find-" Hermione is cut off as I tackle her in a hug as-well.

"I missed you 'Mione." I mumble into her bushy hair. We both pull away and,

"Hi." Harry says slowly to Hermione forgetting about everyone else in the room.

"Hey." She responds only just acknowledging him.

We are sitting in the living room a few hours later. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are sitting on the widest sofa behind the twins who are on the floor still playing around with dad even after we explained that he's not technically a real dog and that it's actually Sirius Black. Harry and Hermione are sitting next to each other on (ironically) the loveseat next to the window. Hermione is reading and Harry is staring at her. Sorry 'watching' her. Ginny is on the floor bickering with Ron who is next to me also on the floor. Everything is perfect. Well not everything...

A/n see I told you it would be longer. 618 words! I know it's not extremely long but if I kept going it would just be me rambling on about what they are doing all night and I'm sure you guys would find that boring. Oh and please don't hate me for the slight cliffhanger. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Please comment it would make my day. Love you guys.

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