Trail by Fire Part 2

Start from the beginning

You traversed different terrains around the arena, including small islands, a park, some lake, and even a small mountain region. All in all, it was a wide range of spaces where several people were left injured. You had even teamed up with Tetsutetsu on a small job to save a little "girl". You bandaged her up and soothed her to sleep as you carried her back with Tetsutetsu beside you.

Tetsutetsu: Geez, how many is that now?

(Y/N): In total, over 60. Personally about 15.

Tetsutetsu: There shouldn't be too many more, right?

(Y/N): Maybe. But that shouldn't matter now. We've got a job to do.

Tetsutetsu: Right! I'll scout ahead. You just make sure she rests and gets proper treatment.

(Y/N): On it.

Tetsutetsu ran ahead while you went into a slight jog. Finally, you returned to the stage where everyone was being treated. However, when you set the girl down, you heard an explosion goes off. You looked over and saw Kendo and some others looking to where the blast came from. You leapt down and ran over beside her.

(Y/N): What was that?

Kendo: I have no idea.

Test Man: Uh no heroes! The terrorist are back and want to finish the job! Guess it's time to save lives in a new way!

A man in a suit stepped forward and lit up his cigar. He pointed forward and an army of "thugs" ran through to attack the medical field. You had honestly no idea how to fully act in the scenario. You were torn between protecting lives, fighting, and making sure Kendo was ok. She turned back to you and quickly must have assumed control.

Kendo: Tetsutetsu, Honenuki, Shishida. The three of us are initial takedowns. We need to thin them out! Anyone else with a crowd control quirk, feel free to join us. Bondo make some defenses. Kodai, expand those defenses.

Student: We can handle the evacuation! If you want to give us some hands!

Kendo: Right! (Y/N), see if you can't get some of the little ones onto your back and ride off. Carefully.

(Y/N): Got it! Kendo? (She turns back to you) Stay safe.

Kendo: I will be. Now get going.

You smirked as you saw Kendo run forward into battle. You transformed into your wolf form and two other students placed child-sized survivors onto your back and you began to run off and away from the battlefield. You glanced back a bit to see Bondo and Kodai making a massive wall and covering your escape. You sighed and continued onward.

On the other side, Kendo backhanded several enemies, taking out a few while Shishida and Tetsutetsu charged in and threw punch after punch against the foes. Honenuki also softened the ground, making it almost like quicksand as different enemies sunk through it. Tetsutetsu even ran through and punched a few in the head to knock them out before going back to the ones who could still fight.

Kendo punched away a few more, giving her some cover as another female student and Shishida landed beside her.

Kendo: How many are there?

Shishida: Of civilians or attackers?

Female Student: Either way, we should be good soon enough. That wall you UA guys really helped a lot. Nothing is going to-

A boom went off and some of the wall was destroyed. Everyone turned back to see the man in the suit walk forward. He whistled and sent a sonic boom forward, knocking away Kendo and the others while also destroying the wall.

Suit Man: Come on, heroes. Don't let me have all the fun.

He whistled again and another boom went off. Honenuki ran in and leapt forward a bit and slammed his hands on the ground to soften in and stop the man. However, he whistled again and launched Honenuki back, temporarily stunning him. Kendo looked at her classmates with concern and back at the moch villain. However, she heard a yell and saw you descending from the skies and threw a punch towards the whistler.

Kendo saw her chance and ran forward to strike. The man whistled again and nearly stunned you but was able to knock you away. However, that did lead to the distraction as Kendo was able to slap the man on the back and launch him forward. The man rolled along the ground and was almost punched by Tetsutetsu, but the man handspring up and evaded. In the air, the man turned around and opened his mouth wide enough for a massive sonic boom to be unleashed and it destroyed some of the ground.

You and Kendo were blown back together and you slowly arose to see the villain standing back up, ready to fight.

(Y/N): Kendo, you ok?

Kendo: Yeah. I think.

You walked over to her and helped her up. Once up, you both saw the man making his way towards the wall built by Bondo, ready to take out the civilians.

(Y/N): This is bad.

Kendo: Geez, you think?

(Y/N): Well, let's get to work then.

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