Still Summer

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Despite it being a few days since you and Kendo got together, you were still happy with the results nonetheless. You and her had a plan to chill out throughout most of the summer vacation without any major concern. You both planned out a movie date which included dinner at a pizza place nearby afterward. You made it to her home and saw her waiting outside. She noticed you walking down towards her and smiled once she saw you. She then walked up to meet you halfway and placed a kiss on your cheek.

Kendo: Hey!

(Y/N): Hey. Ready?

Kendo: Yep.

You and Kendo then walked back down to the road towards a downtown train station. After riding for a few minutes you guys were able to make it to the theater. The conversation while on the train ride was pretty alright, it was mostly about being hyped up for the movie as it was the finale in a long series of films. Kendo also asked if you wanted to come by the motor shop soon so she could continue to teach you all about bike mechanics and the best way to repair a bike effectively. Motorcycles too.

The wait to get food was also not nearly as tedious as you would have imagined. More talk about summer plans and where to go from here sort of talk. But regardless of all that, the food was bought, tickets in your hands and the movie was ready. You could see Kendo just as giddy as you were for this movie and thus remain quiet almost the entire time you watched. You both also refused to go to the bathroom at all since you both were hyped up for this film.

And once the 3-hour long movie was done, you both walked out, smiles on your faces and nothing but joy to be said. You both continued on the conversation well into the restaurant where you plopped yourselves down at a booth and kept talking.

Kendo: I wasn't even thinking he could lift that hammer!

(Y/N): I know, right! That was amazing!

Kendo: And that final few moments. As a fan of the Captain, that was satisfying as hell.

(Y/N): Second that one.

You both clinked your drink cups together and laughed. So, everything seemed to be going well enough. After taking a decent-sized swing both, you returned to the conversation with little consequence. Soon enough, the pizza came over and you began to chow down on the food. After you had about two slices each, Kendo stopped and looked at you in the face. You eventually saw her looking at you and stopped eating.

(Y/N): Everything ok?

Kendo: Yeah. I was just wondering how your dad and uncle were?

(Y/N): Oh. Well, they're talking. Baby steps as you know. I think they're going out on patrol together too.

Kendo: That's great! You should be happy!

(Y/N): Me? It was your plan. You should be happy.

Kendo: Maybe I am? Maybe I'm not? You'll never know.

You chuckled slightly as Kendo laughed along with you. Once you both calmed down, Kendo gained an annoyed and worrisome look to her face. You cocked an eyebrow and turned around to a TV that was hung up and on it was some hair commercial.

Uwabami: (Voiceover) No matter how damaged your hair is, our new formula is sure to deeply penetrate each strain. Such shine. Such volume. Such luxury. Easy curls for just one sprits. Uneri Hairspray. C'mon ladies, ride the waves.

You smirked at seeing Kendo in this add done by Uwabami during internship week. You turned back to your girlfriend and continued the smirk. She covered her face in embarrassment as you kept staring at her. She removed her hands and looked at you.

Kendo: I hate that commercial. So much. Yaoyorozu and I wasted our entire internships on that one thing. And Uwabami barely taught us anything other than how to live the life of a celebrity while being a hero. I could care less about that stuff. I just want to save lives. Is it really that much of a crime?

(Y/N): Well, you looked great. If I'm allowed to say that.

Kendo: Only you and my parents are allowed to say that.

(Y/N): Oh, I'm ranking up there with parents now. Awesome.

Kendo rolled her eyes and gave you a playful smile. You returned it.

Kendo: So...where do I rank on your own hierarchy?

(Y/N): Well, I mean-you know. Pretty high and well, I didn't mean anything from the point. It was more or less a joke and well, as you can see that it was-

Kendo: (Y/N), I'm just messing with you.

You sighed and chuckled a little. You both went back to the pizza and continued to eat. Once the food was done, you both went back to talking, having a conversation about what to expect from the second semester at UA, and whatnot here and there. You also pushed some jokes back towards the commercial with Yaoyorozu and how that will forever be what she was known for. Of course, that got Kendo to be a bit annoyed so she fired back, using your pale skin and vampire quirk as easy targets.

You weren't complaining. Rather you laughed alongside her as you both walked around the shopping complex the restaurant and movie theater were in. You checked out a small gaming shop just to see what was going on around the place. You saw a few statues of some animes and comics along with several different games for different systems.

You guys were in there for about twenty minutes until you headed off and Kendo saw a pretty sweet motorcycle. She whistled and talked to it like a child. You rolled your eyes and almost had to drag her off so you guys could get back to walking without concern for your well being.

Kendo: Alright, but that bike was awesome!

(Y/N): I know you like motorcycles, but you could have some semblance of control.

Kendo: Yeah, yeah. I hear you. Don't get all wishy-washy on me.

(Y/N): Oh come on. Why you gotta bring me down like that?

Kendo: Because I can.

(Y/N): You're lucky you're adorable.

Kendo laughed, giggling almost, at the humor. You smiled as well, happy she was happy with the small bits of humor you provided her. After that, you both headed back to her place to drop her off for the evening. The walk was similar to before with you both popping jokes and telling stories and just having a solid conversation.

The walk was a nice and peaceful one as well with not too many distractions from the "Crime Alert App" you had downloaded upon attending UA. The main purpose for it was so you and any other classmate could fight some villains but you also used it to see where your father was. You were excited to show Kendo that both Dracuul and Vlad King had been seen fighting together. You showed Kendo and she gave you a large smile.

However, the walk back to her place concluded and you both stood out in front for a few seconds.

Kendo: That was fun.

(Y/N): Yeah. So, if that's the case, when do you want date number 2?

Kendo: Well, it's still summer. And my grandparents do live in a condominium near the beach. And I know dates are kinda meant to be a one-on-one type of deal but I was wondering if-

(Y/N): You wanted some of the class to join in? Why not? I'll text Tetsutetsu and Shishida. Also, you are aware, I'm basically a vampire, right?

Kendo: We'll work that out later. Saturday?

(Y/N): Sure.

Kendo leaned up and pecked you on the cheek again before walking back up to her home. Once she was inside, you used your quirk to fly off back to your home, a smile on your face as you flew off. 

Itsuka Kendo X Male Reader: Returning HomeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant