December 11

23 1 0

Brad's point of view

As I wake up I go through my texts and see all the rude things that Tristan sent me.

T. If I didn't come in to save you you you would have fucked her your self

I couldn't help but answer

B. Well you know what Tristan Abby's probably better than you.

T. Well connor is better than you

B. Hey Dumas Con is not gay

T. How do you know

B. I know he long than you

T. whatever at least connor is and james are there for me

B. There for you I'm always there for you

T. Like when?

B. Let me think oh maybe when your uncle came and abused you and tried to rape you . If I want there he would have raped you and you would have died Tristan. And I was with you that hole time you war in the hospital. I was praying that you would be ok I couldn't think of anything else just you. So don't even think about saying in never there for you.

T. So

B. Bitch I saved your motherfucking life and than you have the nerve to say I never there for you

T. and I was grateful and I showed you that to.😉

B. What the hell is Rong with you this is not the Tristan I feel in love with

T. In the same you r the one that has changed

B. Tristan it's over

T. No Brad please don't do it I love you I can change i swear

B. No you will have to prove it to me that you changed until then good bey .

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