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As Ochako and Itsuka finished up, Momo kept avoiding blow after blow of fishmen trying to attack. "HOW IS SHE DOING THIS!?" She kept avoiding attack after attack to use them or her own attacks to defeat other fishmen. When they went unconscious, Momo held a smile on her face knowing she was able to handle all this. "Yaoyorozu, that was amazing." Tsu looked to marvel at her friends skill as she smiled. "Ms. Robin would be able to do what I did much faster, but this is a start." "What did you do?" Selkie looked around to see no fishman conscious. 'Just what was this she did?' Both women thought as Momo began making ropes to tie up the fishmen.

Flashback one week ago with Momo

"Observation Haki is a very powerful skill as you've most likely discovered by your friends showing in the Sports Festival. However, it requires an immense amount of concentration in order to do this. If you happen to lose your train of concentration, you will be unable to use it." Obtaining a bit of understanding of how to use the power for herself. "What exactly does this power do? I obtained a base understanding from what Izuku used, but I never learned what it initially was." "In short, it uses the natural energy to hear and watch the events around you. You can do it to see the things around you and hear the attacks one will be able to do. You can also use it in an advanced form to see attacks into the future within a few seconds to tell what is going to happen." "That's amazing." "However, the same rule is required for you to need complete concentration with the more advanced needing far more. So this week, we will focus mainly on your ability to control Observation Haki even during stressful moments." Momo understood to nod before following Robin down below deck where they could begin.

Back to present

As things were finished up above deck, Bakugou had begun working on trying to end the battle between him and Hatchan. "Please just leave! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!" The octopus man kept attacking and intentionally missing Bakugou. "Moon Walk!" Bakugou used the air under him as a foothold before pivoting his body to target Hatchan's blades to destroy them. "DIE!" The act shattered them and left the fishman unarmed. Trying to finish this, the ash blond held his hand making small explosions to prove he wasn't messing around to Hatchan's face. "Give up takoyaki, before I make you into a roasted octopus." Hatchan began to cry before nodding. "It wasn't supposed to be this way. All Arlong said was that we were going to this world to avoid the World Government and my friends would be free. *hic* I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. I just followed to help the people I care about." The tears he had were only outspoken by a shout. "Leave Hatchan alone!"

 "Leave Hatchan alone!"

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