Part - 16

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Jungkook woke up in morning & found himself on bed.

JK murmured: "TAE?"

Lisa: "You? You? Wake up? I was so worried! You had fever. You were unconcious on the ground in rain. I brought you back to your room."

JK had a fever seriously so he felt weak.

But, though, JK shouted at Lisa.

JK: "Youuu? What are you doing here? & where--where is TAE? Why am I in this room.?
Where is my TAE.?"

Lisa in low voice: "My TAE?
Do you lobe him that much?"

JK got up from bed but Lisa grabbed his arms.

Lisa: "Tell me? Am I that bad? Do you hate me? Aaaah?"

JK: "You---you! Yes, I hate you.
Why did you lie yesterday? Whyyyy?
Just get lost from here."

Lisa: "bcz I love you!! That's why I lied. I don't want to loose you at any cost."

Lisa hugged JK so, JK tried to free himself.

JK: "Leave--me"

But Lisa was still hugging him.

Lisa: "No.--- You are mine.
You --are just mine!

JK pushed him away and kept on shouting.

JK: "Leaveeee! Where is TAE?"

Lisa smiled: "He left!"

JK got a shock to hear that TAE actually left him.

JK: "what? Where?"

Lisa: "University!"

JK pushed away Lisa and started walking towards door but he felt weak bcz he had a fever.
But, JK didn't stop & drove his car & reached at their dorm.

JK entered into his room & noticed that there is no sign of TAE & his things.

JK, then, went to Jimin's room for asking about TAE.
Jimin told him that TAE shifted with Park Bogum.

So, JK went to the Bogum's room.
JK was so tired bcz of fever that he was breathing heavily.

JK knocked the door and shouted TAE's name.

JK: "TAE...TAEee?? Open the door please... please!"

Park Bogum opened the door & stopped JK from entering but JK pushed him away & entered.

JK noticed TAE who was unpacking his things.

JK: "TAE? What are you doing here?"

TAE didn't answer.

JK yelled: "TAEeeee? Atleast listen to me. Talk to me. Please."

TAE didn't answer.

Bogum: "Heyy--You? JK? Leave!!! Leave My TAE..!"

JK grabbed Bogum's collar & shouted.

JK: "What did you say?? Your TAE?? Aaah?"

TAE noticed JK & pushed away his hand from Bogum.

TAE pushed away JK so, JK hit on the floor.
JK was so weak bcz of fever that he couldn't breath properly.

But, TAE didn't notice JK's condition.

TAE yelled: "How dare you to touch Bogum? You-- pervert.. rascal... leave me alone.
I don't want to see your face. Leaveeeee...."

JK whispered: "TAE?"

LOVE equals to PURPLE // TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now