Part - 2

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**** Morning *****

TAE woke up from sleep and found himself on bed with a warm blanket!
TAE saw that JK was coming back from washroom.
JK entered into the room.

JK: "aaah? Anneyong! Good morning! So finally u woke up!! Woaah! I thought u will never wake up!"

TAE: "de???(korean)"

JK: "what? Aah? What? Who the fucking u r?? Aah?? Do u know how Pervert u r??"

TAE: " De????"

JK shouted: "Fuckkkkk offf! Just don't open ur mouth!"

TAE: "aah! THANK YOU!"

JK: "aah? For what?"

TAE: "I guess you carried me to the room. So, Thank you!"

JK: "aah! Right... Right. That was my biggest mistake! Don't worry... I will not repeat this mistake! I will never helped you. I promise!! "

TAE: "De???"

JK shouted: "what De?? Ahhh? You hugged me for all the night! For you, I could not sleep well!!!Do u know that??? And Why did u hug me? Am I a pillow or what?"

TAE: "aah?? Ohhh! I am sorry! Actually It's my habbit to hug someone/something duting sleep! So- - - - -"

TAE could not finish the sentence.

JK: " shutt up! Did I ask you anything? Now get up from my bed!!!"

TAE smiled and said: " hi. I am Kim Taehyung. And you?? You didn't tell your name yesterday!"

JK smirked: "Do u wanna have SEX with me babyy???"

TAE: "What????"

JK: "Then why are you acting so cute infront of me?? You don't  need to know my name! Okay??? Now fuckkk offffff from my bed.!!"

TAE got up from JK's bed.

JK was already ready for going to class!
JK was about to left with his bag but TAWlE again asked him!

TAE: " and YOU???"

JK became annoyed and said: "Baby, I AM YOUR DADDY!! Do you get it??? Now, fuckk off!"

TAE shocked to hear him and became speechless for some seconds!
JK left the room with his bag.
TAE checked the time!

TAE: "omooooo! It's already late! Today is the first class! How rude was that boy!! He didn't even tell me anything about class time and left alone!! but, I guess He is not that bad! He helped me yesterday!"

TAE became ready and left for his first postgraduation class in the Seoul University!

**** Class*****

SIR: " Kim Taehyung... Kim taehyung... Is he absent??"

((JK said to himself: "woah! What a baby! Today is the first class & he is late! Anyway, that's not my problem!"))

Sir: "K-i-m T-A-E--- "

TAE: "y-e-s... yes Sir"

TAE entered into the room like a storm!! He was breathing heavily bcz he was running towards the class so fast!

Sir: " Are u Kim ? New student?"

TAE: "De!!!"

Sir: "You are late"

TAE: "Sorry... sorry Sir"

JK was Enjoying all the drama. Then, JK told something silently in a Girl's Ear who was sitting infront of his bench!

LOVE equals to PURPLE // TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now