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5 years later

Sana graduated, her and her mom started a bakery shop near their house. Mina and tzuyu would often come by at the evening, buy them something small and hangout with sana for the rest of evening.

Chatters and gossip, sometimes even play weird games. "okayyy, okay" tzuyu slurred, putting the bottle on the table. "I dare you, to kiss mina passionately" sana was surprised at tzuyu's dare.

But she ain't no pussy, and she's not ready to skinny dip in the lake near by. She held mina's chin and kissed her aggressively, holding her waist. Hearing a soft moan from mina, as she touchs her chest.

Sana pulled away breathing heavily, "eww, you tasted like oranges" sana faked vomiting, mina hit her back hard. Tzuyu hollered at the two. "y'all really got into it"

"fuck you, Chou Tzuyu"

Chaeyoung and her family moved as soon chaeyoung graduated to another place not bothering to say goodbye to sana.

However, sana was still waiting for her to fall right into her bed. She knows she can be her favourite song, set the mood and turn her on.

It turned her brain into a turmoil when chaeyoung without even saying goodbye. Sana was still bitter about it, it's not like she was her girlfriend or anything. She probably married that guy, her dumb ass boyfriend.

She cried for days and days into a hopeless abyss. Mina and Tzuyu, couldn't handle seeing her like this.

She also got a lot closer to dahyun, they almost know the ins and out of each other. She admires Dahyun. She's pretty awesome, they'd usually meet at the dawn of day spending the morning in each other's company.

It also became a rumour, that her and dahyun were dating. Sana thought that the couple started it. However, she let it slide since it was fun to see the face of disgusted and for sana to act hurt by it.

Sana knew Dahyun liked Nayeon, the school president. She will that seeing dahyun gush over little thing nayeon does is so adorable.

Unlike sana, Dahyun managed to convince Nayeon, the soft hearted president who'd reject people with a small innocent smile. Sana thrived on how she makes Nayeon jealous of her, when she was a bit too touchy with dahyun.

 (a/n: I'm listening to red velvet and I love joy's voice in remember forever)

Nayeon, would later whisper to dahyun's ears, and the korean girl always blushed biting her lips. Sana loved it, she was getting dahyun laid.

Dahyun was sana's lucky charm, just how she is to her.

There are times when the bakery would be so busy, that sana thought of making everyone leave by saying it's closed when it isn't. She knows she will get hit by her mother's Almighty slipper of disappointment.

Sana's luck always sucks ass, she forgot her umbrella when the forecast said it would be raining. She almost finished her shift and will close the bakery. It's midnight, usually guests wouldn't come.

Not today, sana's heart sank when she saw someone into the bakery. Clothes soggy, wet mid length hair, and the irresistible dimple that sana knows all too well.

"is this place closed yet?" the young drenched woman, the lights dim unable to see sana's shocked face. "no, not yet" sana said, forcefully as she was having the urge to say it's closed and kick out the latter.

"suck it up sana" sana comforted herself. Taking her notebook as she went to where the girl was sitting. "would you like something to eat?" sana spoke in the most polite manner she could. But it was way too bitter rolling out of her tongue.

blissful ignorance • sachaengDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora