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"sana" the voice repeated, sana was hoping for it to be chaeyoung's. she was disappointed once again.

"we are going to visit the neighbors tomorrow, they invited us for dinner."

Sana to say the least got pretty excited with the news of finally seeing chaeyoung. She hopes the other girl misses her.

she takes everything on her mind filling it with what chaeyoung would like to see or what she loves.

Remembering chaeyoung favorite color red as a strawberry. sana takes a note to bring strawberry jam with her. She's excited so she decided to go out to the balcony.

Hope is her only virtue.

She's rumbustious and she knows it, momo does, chaeyoung does even her vanilla friend she figures. mindfully grazing her hand over the chair on the balcony.

Once again looking at her to catch a glimpse of her favourite figure in the moonlight and once again she hoped for too much to find her at this time.

So with that, she took her wallet few dollars in it and decided to climb down from the balcony. If chaeyoung saw her she would scold her. A small smile tug her lips as she almost falls to her death.

She let out a small screeched clinging onto the wall. "only few meters away sana, you can fucking do itt" she encouraged herself.

She does it.

Her feet hitting the pavement with a relieved sigh pass her graceful lips.

She takes her phone in her jacket, putting on her earphones. this is dangerous since she won't be able to hear if someone is attacking from behind. Oblivious to her surroundings. She puts on her most chill song, tapping her foot to the beat.

Looking through her phone to find the closest 24/7 grocery store. Don't blame her, she doesn't get outside that much and she's kinda scared of being lost.

With that, the nearest one turns out to be 100 meters away. She sighs, not wanting to reconsider her sudden decision to fucking buy strawberry jam for someone who probably wants nothing with her.

Sudden spurts of speed, dumb decisions she makes with her old loved worn out running shoes pounding on the concrete pavement.

a drop of sweat falls on her forehead she doesn't run much (she should exercise more, who the fuck sweats as soon as they run). 

Wind bashing her hair left and right. Her path damp with recent rain, time to think, she finds it a bit therapeutic, hearing the synth rhythms tuning. 40 meters down, 60 to go. She tries to control her breathe to make it steady. She hears a dog barking so sana being the best person she is.


Runs with her life.

No fucking dog is going to get near her in the middle of the night.

Nope, not today bitches.

With fear on her side, she arrived to her destination successfully. She greedily gasps for air, looking down. "fuck you chaengie" she cusses.

She pushes the door, hearing the same old bell, greeting her favourite employee at this shop. Jennie, because Jennie gives her a discount every time she asks. The cat like girl does it because she hates her manager, who for some dumbass reason likes being called YG instead of his real name.

For that, Jennie gained sana's adornment because that girl is a badass and sana is not scared to admit that she's hot.

She only met her a few times. "so small sana, tell me what's with the sudden visit to this hell place?" Jennie asked her body leaning forward against the counter.

"strawberry jam" sana replied, looking through the aisles for it. Her finger grazing the products lightly as she moves. She stops her finger on the perfect jam, picking it up checking the price.

"woah, the sana is finally going to try the heavenly taste of strawberry jam????" Jennie was bamboozled to see that the fucking sana who always complained about strawberry tasting bad and stuff, and choosing it.

"yeah, yeahh fuck off" sana said dryly picking out the coldest chocolate milk she can find. She can make chocolate milk at home but the store bought just taste amazingly different.

Sana walks to the counter to meet jennie's teasing gaze. "or is it someone you have a crush on?" Jennie concluded rising one of her eyebrows.

"what about yourrr crush?" sana avoided the topic, smirking at the shy blush on jennie who tried smacking her arm. "shushhh don't talk about my co-manager like that!"

Sana giggled at the latter's reaction, she is always oddly comfortable with jennie. The girl is just so vibrant and friendly compared to her. She used to be like her when she was younger.

Until she realised that she liked a girl in her 5th grade who had this nice happy smile, her name was Miyauchi she often wonders what happened to the tom boyish girl.

She pays up to the elder cashier and bid her goodbye, walking back to her house not in the mood to run anymore. You can only run one time a day.

Her feet dancing on the pavement aligning with the bass of the song feeling every emotion and remembering the strawberry girl dimple smile. Sipping the liquid from the brown boxed shaped carton.

She reaches to her house, she has two options either climb back to balcony and possibly break the jam or get into the house and possibly get yelled at.

Option one, seems more redeemable with that tied the plastic bag around her right arm. Climbing the brick wall to the balcony. It's hard but somehow she manages to do it.

She goes into her and lays flat on her stomach on the bed. "why the fuck did I do that" she mumbled as she went to bathroom changing to her pjs.

She looks at her phone, 1:53 am. "not bad" that's the last thing she says before indulging into a blissful dream.


the things i never have

being straight

blissful ignorance • sachaengWhere stories live. Discover now