Chapter 2

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Danny's view---
I've been at Vlad's for a few weeks now trying to keep myself from freezing his home thanks to my stupid Ice Core. I start grabbing my arms feeling extremely cold, 'no not again', I look around for anything to warm me luck, 'great, I have to leave the room'. I get up from my bed but regret instantly falling to my knees, Ice spreading from where I sit, 'No, no, no, Control yourself Danny', the ice stops a good 2 feet from me. I can't keep this up much longer, I'm getting worse with every day that passes. The ice starts up again, "no stop". My eyes get heavy and I fall to the floor wrapping around myself as the ice starts leaving the room, 'Vlad's going to kill me'.

I return home after a long day at work thinking of nothing but Daniel, I walk inside and feel how cold it is, walking towards my office the temperature continues to drop, I'm deep in thought that I don't even see the patch of ice outside my office door and slip falling on my backside. "GAH, WHAT THE BLAZES" I look around and there's ice everywhere and it continues to spread, "Daniel!" I get up and transform into alter ego Plasmius and fly to his room. The door is frozen solid and the temperature is so cold if it weren't for my core I would freeze solid myself. I faze through the door and look around seeing Danny on the ground huddled into a ball shivering and almost blue looking, his room is frozen solid as well, I go over kneeling next to him the ice melting under me. "Daniel, wake up Daniel" he doesn't move, this isn't good, I gently touch his shoulder, 'Hope this works', I slowly start using my fire core to heat his body enough so he can wake up and stop the ice. 

It takes a good hour before Danny starts waking up, he looks around the room before his eyes land on me, "V-Vlad...", "Shh it's ok Daniel, I'm here" he's so cold and looks in pain. I continue using my core to warm him and slowly the ice around us melts as well, "V-Vlad...I'm so-orry....I cou...uldn't.....stop it....", "Shh, is ok little badger". It takes maybe another 3 hours before everything melts and Danny starts sitting up still shivering, "Daniel are you all right" he shakes his head, "What's wrong, why did everything freeze?" he looks up at me, almost scared. In all my years fighting him I have never seen scared, "'s un-unsta-stable...I can'", that explains a few things, "Daniel how can I help?" he looks around before returning his gaze to me, " the..far-far-fro-ozen...I'm" I wrap my arms around him pulling him closer to me hoping my core will warm him up. After some time he finally stops shaking so I look and find him sleeping, "Let's you get you to Frostbite little badger." I lift him up bridal style and faze through the floor and fly us to my secret lab opening the portal.

--(6 hours to get to Far Frozen. Brought to by Nasty Burger, It's only one letter from being Tasty)--
((Sorry couldn't help it))

I finally land in the Far Frozen holding Daniel close to me, I hurry and go to Frostbites village, 'This won't end well, last time I was here I stole the infinity map and they were none too happy about that'. I reach the village and I am suddenly surrounded by yeti-like ghost creatures. "Easy fellas I'm not here to cause trouble", "yeah right Plasmius, last time you were here you stole our map" Frostbite the leader walks through the wall of yetis surrounding me and the sleeping Daniel, "look I promise I'm not here to start anything, I'm for your help" he looks taken back by what I'm saying but recovers quickly, "and why in the ghost zone would we help you", I'm about to respond would Danny groans in my arms and gets closer to my chest, "Phantom! what have you done to him Plasmius", I roll my eyes, "I didn't do anything but try and help him, although it would seem his core is unstable" Frostbite pinches the bridge between his eyes almost in annoyance, "20th time this month" my eyes widen like saucers, "you mean this has happened before!", he nods his heads and waves for me to follow him as he walks towards a large looking building thing and I fly after keeping Danny close so he stays warm, "How long has he been asleep?" I think for a moment "if I were to estimate I would say about 6-7 hours" he nods and leads me to a warm room, "place him over on the bed please" I do as instructed knowing he's the best one to help Danny, even if I hate taking orders.

I don't know how long I've been sleeping but I don't care it's so warm right now, "great one you must open your eyes please", 'great one, only frostbite calls me that', "Daniel please wake up", 'Vlad?'. "Great One you must wake up", "5..more.. minutes", I can hear faint laughter from my right as someone places a hand on my hair, "Daniel really wake up or your miss breakfast, I made waffles", 'WAFFLES', my eyes snap open and I sit up in bed looking around as I see Frostbite staring wide-eyed at me as laughter is next to me, 'damn it, Vlad'. "I take it no Waffles then", Vlad comes into view not even trying to hide his smug grin, "you can eat when Frostbite says you can go home, afterwards you and I need to talk", 'oh boy, Frostbite must have told him speaking of', "so Frostbite, what caused it this time?", he rolls his eyes, "the usual, one more trip and I won't allow you to leave the Far Frozen." I rub the back of my neck, "I swear great one, you must stop using your powers like this, it will kill you.. well, permanently that is" I nod, "sorry, it's just who's going to protect Amity Park", he gives me a small smile, "I'm sorry phantom but it can't be you anymore, it's causing you to become unstable more." I nod again and look to Vlad who's been listening the whole time, he meets my gaze, "am I ok to leave?", "not yet I'm afraid unless you plan on cuddling up to Plasmius for several hours" he doesn't hide the mischievous grin and Vlad can't stop himself from blushing, "What happened while I was passed out?!?!"

"You'll have to ask Vladimir about that" Vlad's eyes glow bright red at Frostbite after he said his full name, "Vlad!", "oh relax Daniel nothing happened, but to make sure you didn't freeze I had to keep you close to my core, and well let's just say you didn't mind being that close", I don't even need a mirror to tell I'm redder then Vlad's cape. 'oh I wish Skulker would kill me now', "so little badger still want to go home?", "shut it Vlad", I can hear him laughing as I bury my face in my hands.

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