Chapter 1

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It was a few years after I defeated Pharia Dark and I'm finally 20, I'm in the ghost zone to find Frostbite and have a checkup done for my Ice Core, it's been acting very odd lately, and not the usual odd. I'm flying near Skulkers island and that was a mistake, "hello whelp", before I can react an Ecto-beam flies 2 inches from my head, "geez Skulker has your aim gotten worse or are you just not trying" I can him growl behind me as I quickly start flying away and ectoblast almost hitting me every now and then until one finally does, "GAH", I grab my side, 'fuck that hurts', I feel Skukler grab me by my throat, "what was that you were saying whelp" I hate that stupid grin. His expression changes from his usual victorious grin to one of fear and then he lets go of me and flies away, 'well that'. Suddenly without warning of any kind, stupid ghost sense, multiple hands grab me, some covering my eyes and mouth then other ones tying my hands, and struggle to get free. 'Fuck, this is just great'. The next thing I can tell is I'm being dragged away somewhere deep in the ghost zone, 'so much for the checkup, or dinner for that matter' I continue to struggle against the ghost's holding me. "Stop struggling ghost boy", that voice, why do I know that voice? whoever it is their right, I'm tired because of my stupid core being on the fritz.

No idea how long we have been flying but I'm getting really cold, I'm shivering but I don't think the other ghosts can tell, 'any longer and I'm going to freeze', finally they stop moving and I'm pushed to my knees and the blindfold is removed from my eyes and I finally see where we are, The Ghost Kings Castle, 'FUCKING HELL'. I see Pharia's skeleton ghost army surrounding me watching me, my binds are removed as well as the gag or whatever, and naturally, I try to attack my attacker's who unfortunately are smarter than I gave them credit. Once again grabbing my arms and holding me on my knees, keeping me from moving while Fright Night comes into my view, 'oh come on, not this clown'. "Well, well, long time ghost child", "yeah I'd say a good 3 years since I kicked your boss's ass and locked him away for good", he gives me a look of hate, a look I'm all too familiar with. "Yes, which brings us to why you are here now", "what you need your ass kicked to". 'Really need to learn to shut up Phantom...' my mind starts becoming clouded and my body freezing cold and stiffening, 'no, not now, just a little longer you stupid core', "sir, something's wrong with him", "I'm sure it's nothing, now back to what I was saying. The reason your here..." his voice slowly starts fading out my body shutting body trying to save me from my own core, and the last thought in my mind is one I didn't think I would ever say, ' me'

*a week later*
I finally start to feel warm and I'm glad, but my body refuses to move and my mind is still lost... I drift back into a deep slumber

*Week 2*
"....anny....anny....Danny...Wake Up Danny" I can't find who's yelling my name, "Wake Up Little Badger", 'Vlad?', "Daniel you need to wake up", 'I'm trying'...silence follows

*Week 3*
I finally start opening my eyes feeling weaker than before, my breathing slow and shallow I start coughing unable to catch my breath, "Daniel, it's ok, your safe, just breathe", I look to see Vlad standing next to me helping me sit up and catch my breath, it takes a while but finally I can breathe again. "Oh, little Badger are you ok?", "V...Vlad" my voice comes out weaker and cracking than I mean it to, "Shhh, don't try talking, ok?" I nod grabbing my sore throat, "here little badger" he hands me a glass of water and I take it drinking slowly as Vlad sits next to me on the bed...wait bed? I finally noticed I'm sitting in a very big bed with deep crimson silk sheets and pillows. 'Wow overkill much' I finish my glass and hand it back to Vlad who takes it and sets it on a nearby table. "Better?" I nod not even trying to speak, "good, I suppose you want to happen," I think to the last thing I remember and it's passing out in the Ghost Kings castle being held by the Fright Night and other lackeys. "wh...what....hap...pened", "Shhh, easy Daniel, try not to speak too much your still healing", I nod, and he continues. "Well from what I was told by Skulker you were in the ghost zone, and he got into a fight with you, then Pharia's goons grabbed you and took you to his castle but by then you were having problems. Anyway, from what Skulker told me Fight Night was speaking to you before you blacked out about you being the new Ghost King or something" my eyes widen, 'new king, no way, no way! I don't need to deal with that shit right now.' Vlad doesn't seem to notice and continues, "Skulker said Fright Night was going to force you to wake up to start the ceremony or whatever when, and even I found this hard to believe, Skulker saved you and brought you here." 'hold on what', "Only because I thought Plasmius was best to help you whelp, can't have my prey being unable to fight back, where's the fun in hunting" I can hear Skulker's voice coming from the door and look to see him forming, "I told you to leave Skulker", "I did, but a dog dragged me back here" Vlad and I looked at each other confused before Skulker opened the door and Cujo ran in and straight to me licking my face, causing me to laugh.

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