Uproar of the Festival

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"Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats." Tenya Iida shouted. However, Sero and Kirishima were both very quick to point out that he was the only one standing…

Iida sat down in his seat, feeling defeated.

"So… Who do you think is gonna teach us class today?" Mina leaned back in her seat, catching herself as she turned to Jiro.

"As if I'd know. Last I checked, Mr. Aizawa is still recovering from his injuries" Jiro responded, just for the door to slide open, revealing that Aizawa was still heavily wounded and covered in bandages.

Everyone began shouting about why he wasn't in the hospital, while Denki commented on how much of a pro Aizawa was.

"Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay." Iida announced.

"You.. call that okay?" Ochako muttered quietly.

"My well being is irrelevant. What's important is that your fight isn't over yet." Aizawa's muffled voice began. "The UA sports festival is about to start."

"HELL YEAH! Lets go kick some ass!" Kirishima shouted.

"Wait a second!" Denki cut him off, allowing Jiro to continue his thoughts.

"Is it really a good idea to do this when villains snuck inside? They could attack once we're all in the same place."

"Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and that our school is safer than ever. Plus they're beefing up security compared to the past three years. This is just too big of an opportunity for the freshmen students of UA. The sports festival isn't something we can cancel because of a few thugs." Aizawa stated, standing before his class like some sorta mummy…

"I'm sorry.. why? It's just a sports festival" Himari asked from the back of the class.

"You damn hypersomniac! Do you know anything about Anything?!" Bakugo growled, startling Himari a bit.

"I uh.. just don't wanna get murdered.." Himari mumbled.

"Our sports festival is one of the biggest events in the entire world. In the past, everyone was obsessed over the Olympic games. Now with quirks, the Olympics aren't seen as the big deals they once were. Not remotely." Aizawa explained further.

"Top heroes everywhere will be watching. With this, we'll get scouted!" Momo stated with confidence, while Mineta commented on how that wouldn't matter if they were dead…

"Yeah. After graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick." Denki smirked.

"I'd say that's as far as some people go. Hell, I'd say that would probably be your future. You are pretty stupid." Mishizu pointed out, just for Denki to slump his shoulders and sigh.

"If you want to be a pro, then even this event could make it possible. One chance a year, for three years. No aspiring hero could afford to miss this festival. That means that you better not slack off on your training." Aizawa warned with his typical tone.

Once class was dismissed, and later on in the day, Kirishima couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

"I'm so pumped for these games!" Kirishima announced.

"Yeah! We put on a good show, and we're basically on the road to bein' pros!" Sero agreed, sharing Kirishima's excitement, with Tokoyami lowering his head as he remained seated on his desk. "We get so few chances. We have to make the most of this."

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalWhere stories live. Discover now