Draco took in all the information. "I'd love to Harry. Thank you for doing this, it means a lot." Harry smiled. "Let's go then."


Meeting the students went well. Draco had to take a moment and step out of the class for a second to calm down. Thinking about his father really got to him. But he was very thankful that Harry did this. It was one of the nicest things he had ever been apart of.

"Alright my love. Dinner time." Harry led Draco to the kitchens and the house elves gave him a basket. Draco rose and eyebrow and Harry kissed him. He held his hand and led him outside. They walked for a while until they reached a great big tree. Harry set a blanket on the ground and sat down. Draco smiled and joined him.

"Everyone is inside eating but I also put up wards so no one can see us," Harry explained, kissing Draco on the lips. Draco cuddled up against Harry as he was getting their food out. "Is there any reason that we're at this tree?" Harry chuckled. "Of course! It's the ferret tree." Draco frowned. "Very funny." He said sarcastically, but chuckling at the same time. "It appears you think so." Harry laughed.

"You know how I was in the tree?" Harry nodded. "Yeah. Why were all your friends behind it?" Draco blushed. "I saw you coming, had them lift me into the tree, hide behind it and when I jumped down, walk around and stand behind me." Harry spit out the pumpkin juice he had just taken a sip of. "Why did you do that?" Draco looked away. "For your attention." Harry grabbed his chin and turned his head to face him. "You sure loved my attention didn't you." Draco blushed deeper. "I still do." Harry smiled and brushed his hand over Draco's cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you. I love you Draco. I wish I could prove to you how much. I wish you knew. You are so loved, ok? I love you." Draco kissed him. "Thank you for this date. I love you too. So much."


After the picnic, Harry brought Draco inside and went to find McGonagall one last time. "Follow me. Right here. The password is 'sailed ship'." Harry raised an eyebrow. "That's a weird password but thank you." McGonagall chuckled. "You're welcome boys. I hope to see you soon."

Draco followed Harry through the portrait hole and into a giant room. "Surprise!" Harry said, wrapping Draco in a hug. "What is it?" Draco asked. Harry giggled. "This is a room that looks like your old dorm. Now I can say that I've slept with you in your dorm." Draco rolled his eyes. "You wanted to do that?" Harry laughed. "Every day. Sometimes I even made my way down to the dungeons before I realized how bad of an idea it was." Draco laughed. "I did the same thing. Thank you Harry. I love it." They crawled into bed. "Merlin, these beds are small," Harry complained. "I guess you'll just have to sleep closer to me then," Draco said slyly. Harry did exactly that.


Harry woke up with his arm around Draco and head in the crook of his neck, as usual. "Morning darling," Draco whispered. Harry hummed in response. "The house-elves delivered breakfast. Do you want some before we leave?" Harry mumbled something. "Hmm?" Draco asked. "Treacle tart?" Harry spoke a little louder. "I can get you one but you'll have to get off me first. Harry shook his head. "Alright then," Draco said, standing up and pulling Harry with him. "Here sweet." He said handing an unimpressed Harry a treacle tart. "It's not usually a breakfast food. I guess the elves know what you like." Draco dragged Harry back to bed. "Here, I'll show you what I bought yesterday and then we can go home and cuddle." Harry nodded. "Mkay."

Draco pulled an item out of his shopping bag and handed it to Harry. "Item number one." Harry looked down at it. In his hand was another shirt but this one wasn't a joke about their relationship. The shirt was covered in a ton of words scattered all over the place. The names included 'Potty, Scarhead, Golden Boy and The Chosen One.' Harry sighed. "Really? You don't even wear t-shirts!" Draco laughed. "I do now. Occasionally. Only around you." Harry rolled his eyes and held out his hands for the next item.

"Item number two. Also just so you know, all of the items I purchased myself are from the Draco Malfoy section." 

"There's a Draco Malfoy section?" Draco nodded. "Why? You want to go there?" He asked with a wink. Harry blushed and examined the item. It was another t-shirt. "Last shirt, I promise," Draco told him. Harry unfolded the shirt, read it and threw it at Draco. "This is what I get for taking you out on a date?" Draco grinned. "You knew what you were getting with me." Harry sighed. Draco held up a shirt in front of him with the words 'I'm 'up to something'' written on it. "Doesn't it look nice on me? It gets better too. Read the tag." Harry took the shirt and searched for the tag. "'This shirt design was sent in by Ron Weasley: The Boy Who Lived's very own best friend!' He did not!" Harry exclaimed. Draco giggled.

"Item three." It was a pillow with text on it. It read: 'Scared Potter? You wish!' and had illustrations of their wands on it. "Awe, this is actually cute." Harry smiled. "I know. Just like me." Draco smirked. Harry looked at the tag. "Oh Merlin, Pansy sent this design in." Draco laughed. "Of course she did. Here, last thing." He said handing Harry a small square box. Harry opened it and inside was a Slytherin ring like the one Draco used to wear. "Dray?" Draco laughed at the shocked expression on his boyfriend's face. "Not yet love. I only bought it because it's a Slytherin ring. All the Slytherin's had one. You, my friend, are supposed to be in Slytherin. Now you have the ring." Harry blushed. "Right of course. Why did I think it was an engagement ring? We've only been dating for a month." He slipped the ring on his finger. "Thanks Dray. But you do know the reason I'm not in Slytherin is that I didn't want to be in the same house as you, right?" Draco frowned. "Rude." Harry chuckled. "Dray, think about it. If we were in the same house, we wouldn't have been able to resist each other." Draco rolled his eyes. "I'm not a wild animal. I would definitely be able to resist you. And why did we need to resist each other anyway? I love you and wish I could've called you my own years ago!" Harry smiled softly. "I know Dray. But I think it was for the best." Draco nodded. "I guess so. Let's go cuddle now. I'm sure you're longing for my softness, comfiness and cosiness." Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder. "You bet I am." 

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