***end of flashback***

"Tell your dad we said 'hi'" Daichi shouts as you walk out the gym, you nod and continue on. At the hospital it was just like any other day, although unlike the other days your father was now recovering from his recent operation.

The operation he received wasn't too serious just a few skin grafts, and luckily enough his recovery was going perfectly, even better then perfectly... fantastically... all in all the operation was a success.

However today you got the news about how much the operation cost and how you could setup a payment plan, so it's fair to say you have to work even harder from now on.

"Sweetie how's school going?" Your father asked as he ate a cookie you got earlier today, "it's good, I'm still keeping up with everything" you smile as you watch him enjoy the cookie. Under better circumstances you'd be beyond overjoyed to have an convention with your father while he's sober, but your just glad he's doing better. It seemed like something was bothering him but you couldn't pick out what, as you were about to ask he spoke up, "Y/n, I know about my job and I'm not mad you didn't tell me, I just wanna know how your taking care of yourself and how I can help" your father said in a sad tone, "if you need to you can tap into my savings" he said while looking you dead in the eyes, "don't worry dad, I got a weekend job" you smile to reassure him your total fine. Your father doesn't say anything right away but he does nod, "well if you ever need more, use my savings. Also you should head home and have dinner" he said, nodding you get up and hug him goodbye. As your leaving the doctor stops you for a second time, "miss l/n, your father is making a very speedy recovery and should be out of here by next week" she explains, "that's amazing, thank you" you bow to the woman, and say your goodbyes.

***Time skip to the next morning***

Sitting in the change room of your workplace, changing into your rubber boots. You heard some women in their mid-twenties talking about a good looking man who just started a few days ago, they explained that he was tall but not too tall, has a nice build and dyed blonde hair. 'I guess that's all it takes for women to swoon' you thought shaking your head in amusement, "you think he's married or dating someone?" One of the women asked, "I hope not but he seems like the type to be taken" another pouts, at this you leave to go get your work done.

Hunched over picking chillies from the small bushes and putting them in your basket, once the basket's full you stood up and stretched out before picking up your basket. As you walked back to the little shop so the older women can wash the chillies and cut them, however on your way there you happen to bump into someone. "I'm so sorry! You didn't drop anything, did you?" You asked in a panic, looking at the tall strangers back. "It's fin-" said as he turned around, "y/n!" It was ukai, 'oh crap, he knows, he wasn't supposed to know that I'm working here' you internally panic, "oh hey coach" you smile weakly...

Have you gotten more comfortable around ukai... yes...

Are you still awkward around him... also yes...

"I didn't know your worked here" he states as you both start walking back to the shop. "So do you want me to drive you home" ukai asked as you both properly cleaned off your muddy boots and put them away, "it's alright, I live only five minutes away from here" you smile and thank him, "alright if you say so, just make sure you walk safely" ukai smiled as he walked to the door.

The days passed on and you'd seen ukai everyday this week at work and volleyball practice. It was strange, the more time you spend with him the more you were falling for him.

However it was now Friday evening and volleyball practice was now taking place, well the boys were actually having a break, but whatever same difference. You sat with kiyoko and spoke about anything and everything, unbeknownst to both of you but noya and Tanaka are eavesdropping on yours and kiyoko's conversation. "So how's your little crush going?" She asked, "it's fine, you'd think because I spent a lot of time with him, I'd be less awkward but no" you shrug and take a deep breath. "Have you told him?" Kiyoko asked with a side smile, already knowing the answer. "Are you crazy!? Of course not..." you whisper-yell while kiyoko just laughs at you, "cause that'd go fantastically, 'oh hey coach, I like you... oh what was that... no no, I like like you...' I'd just about die if he found out" your voice was lasted with sarcasm, kiyoko continued to chuckle at your words while you pouted watching as practice starts back again. "Y/n, I'm kinda worried about you..." kiyoko turned to face you, "what? That was so sudden" you chuckle and watch the boys hit the ball back and forth over the net, "listen, you didn't tell me about your dad when he was taking to hospital, even though you tell me everything... not only that but you've been really tired lately and I'm just worried about you" she rested a hand on your shoulder and watched your face for any change of expression, "look kiyoko, I'm totally fine... if I wasn't I'd reach out okay" you look her in the eyes, you weren't lying or at least you think your not lying. You have been handling yourself quite well, you'd been eating well, buying enough food, paying utility bills and medical bills. You were doing really well for yourself, there was no need to get anyone else involved. "I know that, but I'm still worried. Y/n can you please just go straight home tonight and go get some extra sleep" kiyoko looked at you with pleading eyes, all you could do was nod, not wanting to worry her further.

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