Chapter 2

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Nightmares and daydreams...

Warning: mention of death, blood and cancer, angst...

"Wake up! Y/n wake up! Get my phone" you jump out of bed to the sound of your father yelling, and ran to your parents room. As you ran to the room excitement filled you, 'I wonder what birthday present I get to open first' you thought as you opened your parents bedroom door, however all you found was your father sobbing while he cradled your sleep mother. "What's wrong dad?" You asked slowly walking up to him, "get my phone, mum's not waking up!" He said frantically "don't be silly dad, you just have to shake mum a little more" you instruct your weeping father as if he'd never woken anyone up before, "y/n please, my phone" he pleaded, the pain in his voice make your blood run cold and head spin, at that moment you realised something was wrong. You grabbed his phone and gave it to him, looking at your mother you noticed her lips were blue and she have a trail of blood coming from each of her ears, but other then that she just looked like she was sleeping. "Y/n listen very carefully. I need you to go to the front door and open it, and when you see an ambulance van, wave them over to the house" your dad explained to you. Following his instructions, not long after you saw two ambulances vans pulled up out front your house, waving over the large men and women that exited the vans. "Hi, did you call us?" A woman leant down, you nodded and pointed through the door "my mum isn't waking up" you said, suddenly realising how serious everything was, now realising you could lose your mother tears started to stream down your face. The woman nodded to the others to go through, she placed her hands on your shoulders "it's okay, we'll do everything we can to save her" she said as she stood and placed a hand on your back, "here let go wai-" she was then cut off, "hey Watanabe-san" you both turned to see a man standing there, and he shook his head, "the dad wants his daughter" the man said as he turned and walked away that's when the woman started following him while gently guiding you to follow as well. Walking into the room the other paramedics started to leave, looking over at your parents bed you saw you mother lying there, you father was kneeling beside the bed. Walking over to him you kneeled beside him, "I'm sorry y/n but mum couldn't make it" your father said as he hugged you...

Opening your eyes, you notice you sitting in your living room. While still resting your head on the floor table, you look over to the futon you laid out last night for your father, it was now empty and folded. Sitting up and stretching as you recall your nightmare, it wasn't an uncommon nightmare but it was still sad, a week after your mother passed you and you dad found out that she had a brain tumour and it had caused a damaging amount of swelling to the brain, you remember your mother speaking to your father about a really painful headache she had and this clear watery like liquid coming from her ears, if only you knew back then what you know now, your mother would be alive and so you promised you'd save as many people as you can. "Y/n get ready for school" your father called to you from the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen dressed and ready for your first day back, grabbing your bento placing it in you bag, "dad don't forget you food" you tell him as you begin leave, "okay I won't. Also can you get milk on your way home, I'm walking late" he said after taking a long sipe of coffee. You didn't know how this man did it but he be drunker then a skunk every night and then appear sober the next morning, 'honestly I'm impressed' you thought as you "okay bye" you shut the front door after yourself and begin walking. Once getting to school you go to your assigned locker and place your things away and go about the day as normal.

"Y/n thanks for stacking the shelf, you can go to the volleyball club now" your supervising teacher said, "thank you, see you tomorrow." Walking to the gym was peaceful, once getting there you notice the entire gym was silent then you noticed Vice principle but he was no longer wearing his toupee but it was now situated on Daichi's head, "hahaha! Oh god" you laughed out falling on you knees, making other 6 people in the room look at you, "I knew you were bald but I didn't think it was that bad, hahaha!" Once getting a serious look from Daichi and the vice principal, you stopped laughing. "Sorry" you bowed and then went about you business, "Sawamura I'd like to talk with you" the vice principal said then him and Daichi were leaving to 'chat', after Daichi came back practice continued as usual, well aside from the two first years stand outside the gym. Now on your way home you stop off at sakanoshita market to buy milk and two packs of cheap Instant ramen, you walked out of the noodle aisle towards the counter "WOULD YOU KIDS GO HOME AND EAT SOME REAL FOOD!" You hear someone yell and you drop you items and put you hands up, looking at the owner of the voice in was the man from last night. "I'm sorry not you, those damn soccer kids" he said, you nodded and picked up the things you dropped and walked up to the counter, "so your a high schooler?" He made small talk while scanning everything, "umm yeah, though my dad always says I look older then I am" you smiled, "he's not wrong and that's ¥850" he told you, passing him the money and saying your goodbyes, you silently curse yourself because of your age. Pulling out your phone you message Kiyoko about mystery guy for her input.

 Pulling out your phone you message Kiyoko about mystery guy for her input

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