Christmas cuddles / fic 1

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It was a cold evening on December 24th, The wind banged against the windows of Pidge and Hunk's house. Snow stood tall outside the house blocking the entrances and exits to their little house.
Hunk was in the kitchen making hot cocoa and snacks for the movie night ahead of him, Pidge on the other hand was lighting the fireplace. She opened the match box and struck it against the striker and watched the flame dance on the match stick. She lit the logs and kindle on the fire and watched the flame blaze before her. The heat of the fire made her cheeks warm up. She got up slowly and went to the kitchen and stood in the door frame staring at her boyfriend softly.
Hunk was preoccupied with perfecting the hot cocoa and snacks. He stirred the cocoa into the warm milk with one hand and crushed dark chocolate in his other hand. He hummed lightly along with the tune of the whistling wind outside. He shook the can of whipped cream before squirting the perfect swirls of cream onto the top of the two mugs of cocoa. He sprinkled the crushed chocolate onto the cream along with a few marshmallows and wafers. He turned to the oven behind him and grabbed the oven mit and placed it upon his hand and pulled out the tray of freshly made Peanut butter cookies. Pidge's eyes lit up as she saw them come out of the oven and she grinned. Hunk placed the tray on the counter and waited for the cookies to cool down before placing them carefully onto a plate. He grabbed a tray and placed the snacks on it carefully. There was a bowl of Sweet and salted popcorn, a plate of peanut butter cookies, two cupcakes with green and yellow frosting and some extra marshmallows. He steadily placed the mugs on the tray and carefully picked it up from the counter.
Pidge had returned to the living room and was sat in her pyjamas and green lion slippers flicking through Netflix for a Christmas movie. The living room was decorated in gold and green ornaments. The tree was large and carefully decorated. Everything was perfect and nothing was out of place, Pidge made sure this was the way it was. In the corner of the room there was a cat tree and cat toys set up and this was now decorated in cat safe Christmas decorations, on the lowest level a ginger cat lay in its bed, Hunk and Pidge got Arthur a few months ago, he was found in a box in the alley behind their house, a new born kitten. Hunk took him in as his heart of gold couldn't bare to leave him outside. Arthur was very clingy and never attacked anything.
Hunk came into the living room seconds later with the tray of food and drinks and he placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch.
"I'm just going to get my pjs on" Hunk said with a smile.
"Alright, how does home alone sound?" Pidge said not shifting her eyes from the tv screen.
"Perfect." Hunk replied as he left a kiss on her cheek and went to the bedroom to get changed.
Pidge turned home alone on and waited for hunk to come back before pressing start. Hunk returned shortly and sat beside her in matching pyjamas and Yellow Lion slippers. Pidge looked down at the tray of food and looked at hunk.
"This looks awesome babe!" She said with a grin, "it smells amazing, you never fail to do that babe."
"Well if my food didn't taste good how would I be a five star chef?" He said with a sing song voice.
Pidge stared at him with a dead stare, "you've been at lance's today haven't you?"
He replied with a nod and a chuckle. Pidge laughed and shook her head before pressing start on the movie. Hunk wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped the blanket around them both, Arthur came over after a while and curled up on hunk's lap. His free hand petted Arthur gently as Arthur purred against his lap. Pidge listened to hunks breathing along with the movie. The brief movements of his chest moved her gently and she smiled. He planted a kiss of the top of her head before unwrapping his arm from around her and grabbing his hot cocoa. He sipped it and the foamy whipped cream rested upon his top lip. Pidge looked up at him and let out a cackled laugh.
"You've got something there Hunky" she said with another laugh.
"I do? Could you get it for me?" He said with a smirk as he pouted his lips.
"You sound like Lance." She said with a laugh before leaving a kiss upon his lips.
Even though they've been dating for five years now, Pidge's lips still get that first kiss tingle whenever kissing Hunk. His lips are always so soft and warm to the touch and it just feels right. She smiled softly as the pulled away. She then leaned forwards and grabbed a few cookies and bit into them.

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