Yellow / Fic 3

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Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you.

April 3rd 2020,
It was Pidge's birthday. She was turning 24 today. Hunk was awake when the sun was rising up. The sky flashed colours of purple, pink, yellow and orange. He smiled at the sunrise as he prepared breakfast. Hunk and Pidge have been dating ever since they graduated from the Garrison, Pidge works as a Science and Maths teacher at the Garrison and Hunk is a chef on this big cooking show called "Heaven's Kitchen". Pidge and Hunk moved into a small three bedroom house three years ago around 4 years after they had started dating. Hunk has learned what Pidge does and doesn't like in these past eight years.
He began making waffles for her and once cooked he drizzled syrup, honey and chocolate over the top. He then got out her favourite coffee and made it the way she liked it. He placed the plate and coffee cup on the tray and went to the top cabinet and pulled out a small wrapped present and a card and placed them beside the plate, he then head upstairs to their room.
He knocked softly at the bedroom door, "Pidgey, I made you breakfast".
There was a small grumble as a reply and then the bedsheets wriggled as Pidge sat up and rubbed her eyes. She turned on the lamp beside her and placed her glasses on her face. The lamp slowly lit the Room up and hunk sat at the edge of the bed and handed her the tray once she was awake enough to eat.
The waffles scent danced around Pidge and soon enough she was awake and eating the waffle.
Hunk smiled and Pidge finished within minutes and wiped her mouth.
"Happy birthday" Hunk said with a grin.
"Thank you" Pidge replied and looked down at the present and card.
She opened the card first and read through it and smiled, "you're amazing honey.."

It was all yellow.

Later that evening, Hunk was hosting Pidge's birthday party. Pidge's family was there, hunk's family was there, their friends were there. It was perfect. Pidge sat and spoke to everyone and opened her presets whilst Hunk stayed in the kitchen. Lance and Keith had noticed this and concern grew over the couple.
"Go speak to Hunk," Keith said, "What if they got in a fight?"
"True," Lance said as he rubbed his chin, "give me five minutes".
Lance then walked to Hunk and smiled.
"Hey buddy, what's up?" Lance said concerningly.
"Nothing?" Hunk said raising an eyebrow.
"You're very distant from Pidge, Hunk." Lance said.
"I'm nervous." Hunk said with a sigh.
"Why's that?" Lance questioned.
Hunk didn't answer, he simply showed Lance a small box and smiled nervously. Lance beamed and hugged his best friend tight.
"This is amazing" lance whispered to hunk.
Hunk nodded in agreement, "will you help things go smoothly?"
"Of course! That's why they call me tailor! Cause of how I thread the needle!" Lance said.
"No one calls you tailor" Pidge added as she walked into the kitchen.
She grabbed her drink from the kitchen and placed a kiss on hunk's cheek.
"Are you enjoying the party?" Hunk asked and he ran a hand through her hair.
"I am, I'd enjoy it more if you weren't hiding in the kitchen" she said with a chuckle before taking his hand and going out to the living room.

A few hours later, the sun began to set over the horizon. The friends and family stood in the garden and watched it go down. Pidge was talking to her mother and hadn't noticed much movement, she raised an eye brow when a few whispers and squeals were let out from the guests. Pidge turned around to see what the fuss was and looked down to see hunk on one knee holding out a ring towards her.
Hunk cleared his throat before he began speaking, "Katie, ever since we started dating I've been dreaming of the day we would get married, I'm so glad it's you I have began a life with, I couldn't imagine a life without you. I love you so much.. So please, do me the honour of marrying me?"
He flashed a nervous smile at her and she nodded enthusiastically, "of course! Yes!"
He placed the ring on her finger before picking her up and hugging her tightly, the party guests cheered and clapped (some cried. I'm talking about you lance). The party ended shortly after everyone had worn themselves out celebrating the birthday and the newly engaged couple.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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