The Waters of Licosis : Episode Five

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As the Commader started to fiddle with the keypad, Sam stood up and attempted to copy the other two but as she stepped on the small surface, she twisted her ankle and fell into the small pit.

"Sam!" Stacy looked down into the pit in fear.

The Commander also turned and looked down at her. "I'm so sorry."

"Argh," Sam clutched her shoulder and looked up in fear. "I'm stuck, I'm finished. I'm DEAD!"

The door slid open as the Flood appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Stacy," the Commander pointed at the approaching Flood.

"Goodbye," Stacy cried as she looked down at Sam one last time.

"NO!" Sam screamed as Stacy and the Commander went reluctantly into the drill room.

The Flood arrived and sprayed water into the pit with Sam as she screamed.

Stacy stared through the window on the door as Sam's Flood flew with water onto the small surface outside.

"Its sick," Stacy cried.

"I know," the Commander held back tears. "But there's nothing we can do."

"Alright," Stacy looked away as the Flood started to spray the door. "How long do you reckon the door has?"

"This door is stronger than the others in case the drilling is compromised," the Commander informed her. "But now that there are 4 Flood, I'd say we have around 15 minutes."

"Good," Stacy then remembered about the Doctor and Max. "I hope my friends are okay."

"If they're immune, I'm sure they are," the Commander moved down the tunnel to the drilling station. "They're probably just stuck or something."

* * *

Max screamed as he fell from the muddy ceiling to the ground. He got to his feet. "Doctor!"

"Yeah," the Doctor appeared from behind him.

"Good lord you made me jump," Max put his hand on his racing hearts.

"Sorry," the Doctor smirked.

"How did we get get here?" Max frowned. "How are we alive?"

"The forest must have been right above here," the Doctor looked up and then around. "Hang on, this tunnel seems strangely familiar."

"How on Earth can a tunnel seem familiar-" Max paused as he looked around. "Wait, it does."

"I think I know why," the Doctor pointed to the end of the tunnel to their left.

"The Tardis!" Max exclaimed. "This is where we arrived!"

"Brilliant," the Doctor took out his key. "Let's pop in and check on Sophie and get back to the others."

* * *

"Whoa," Stacy gazed at the drill room in astonishment. "I've never actually been here before.

The room had a massive deep hole in the centre where it had been drilling and metal holed floors circled around it. A metal barrier had been placed around the hole to avoid an accident. The equipment and stations were at the side where the Commander examined the station.

"Really?" The Commander spoke. "I thought you wouldve been here at some point."

"I've never needed to be here I guess," Stacy approached the barrier and looked down the hole. "Now that really is deep. I cant even see the bottom."

"What did you expect?" The Commander laughed.

"I dont know," Stacy went over to join the Commander as she pulled up a computor screen.

"Oh my god," the Commander stared at the screen in awe.

"What is it?" Stacy examined the screen too.

"See that line," the Commander explained, pointing at the screen. "That's where the drill has drilled, see that green space. That's an open area. We've found the Licosian city. I thought we must've been close, I didnt realise we were right there."

"How close are we to impact?" Stacy asked.

"Not long," the Commander shook her head. "Not long at all and this is a complex program."

"We have to shut it down," Stacy told her.

"Yeah," the Commander pulled up two other screens. "Let's start then."

* * *

"Come on Max," the Doctor entered Sophie's bedroom as Max sat next to her bed. "We've got to get back to the others."

"Doctor, you were right," Max shook his head. "There's no change."

"Yeah," the Doctor sat across the bed from Max and felt her forehead.


"Whoa," Max stood up and backed away as a small bolt of blue lightning blasted the Doctors hand from her forehead.

"Ouch," the Doctor took his hand away and shook it.

"A side effect?" Max suggested.

"Yeah," the Doctor thought to himself as the heart monitor beside the bed started to bleep.

"What's happening Doctor?" Max yelled with panic.

"She's crashing!" The Doctor took the electric padels and placed them on both sides of her heart. "Max I need you to charge to 150."

"Right," Max ran around the bed and charged the machine.

"And shock!" The Doctor yelled.

Max pushed the button.


The whole bedroom exploded launching debris out of the door onto the Tardis corridor.

* * *

In the drilling room, the Commander had set up a timer for 15 minutes to know when the Flood would get through.

9 minutes had already gone by and they had made little progress.

"Commander," Stacy sighed with exhaustion as the temperature had considerably risen since they had entered. "There's no way we're going to stop the drill before the Flood enter."

"I dont know," the Commander ran over to the door to check on the Flood's progress. "They don't seem to go going very-"


A section of the door cracked, spurting water over the Commader.

"No!" Stacy yelled.

"Get back Stacy," the Commander efficiently ran to the barrier. "I dont want you to see me like that, plus fighting 4 Flood instead of 5 could be the difference between victory or loss."

"I'm so sorry Commander," Stacy backed away around the far end of the drilled hole.

"Sorry for what?" A tear fell from the Commanders eye as she started to spasm. "I did my duty."

The Commander flipped around the barrier and fell into the drill hole, soon disappearing from sight.

"I'm alone now," Stacy whimpered as she stared at the nearly broken door. "Is this the end? No. I have faith. The Doctor will save me. The Doctor will save me."

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