Rise of the Lightning Man : Episode Five

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Max had layed down the Doctor behind some machinery at the Power Station.

Him and Sophie ran over to him to see if he was okay.

He was still unconscious.

Max took the sonic screwdriver from the Doctor's pocket and scanned his pulse. "He's in a bad way."

"How bad?" Sophie gulped.

Max sighed. "He did fall from the top of an electricity tower and have several thousand volts sent through his body. If we don't get him ba
ck to the Tardis within the hour, he'll die. He'll regenerate."

"Regenerate? Like a starfish?" Sophie frowned.

"More than that," Max shook his head. "It's the way Time Lords keep living, when the Doctor is injured to the point of death, he can renew himself. He becomes a whole new person, new visual appearence, attitude, personality but with the same memories and if we don't get him back to the Tardis in time. It will happen."

"Then let's get him back to the Tardis," Sophie helped Max carry the Doctor out of the building. "The authorities will be here soon to sort out this Power Station."

* * *

Several Police Vehicles revved down the road towards the village.

Two officers in the front car noticed a small object flying in the sky above them.

Only it wasn't an object, it was a person.


The Lightning Man fired several bolts at the cars, each one of them exploding.

"Nobody must be at the Power Station, revenge must have no delays."

* * *

Max and Sophie both carried the Doctor inside the Tardis.

"Okay," Max ran up to the console leaving Sophie struggling with the Doctor. He flipped several switches and levers and then remembered. "Voidy?" He called.

The Tardis monitor flashed on. "Yes Max," Voidy asked.

"Can you open a Tardis portal to the Tardis Medical Centre?" Max asked.

"Certainly," the monitor turned of as a blue portal opened on the console next to Max.

"What was that?" Sophie asked as Max joined her in carrying the Doctor to the portal.

"I forget," Max shook his head. "You and Voidy haven't met have you?"

"Who the hell is Voidy?" Sophie asked.

"An entity we picked up in the void outside the Space Time Continuum," Max explained.

"Right," Sophie nodded as she stared at the portal. "Now I've been a Time Agent for long enough to know portals can't always be trusted."

"You're in the Tardis," Max smiled. "Chances are that whenever you're in here, you're safe."

They both carried the Doctor through the portal and ended up in another Tardis room.

Medical equipment was organised in shelves and draws around the room.

A table was in the middle of the room where they both put the Doctor down.

"What now?" Sophie asked.

"Voidy?" Max called again.

The table lit up. "Yes Max?"

"Heal the Doctor," Max ordered. The table flashed with light which absorbed the Doctor as Max let out a sigh. "He's gonna be okay."

"Thank god," Sophie was relieved.

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