Rise of the Lightning Man : Episode Two

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As the Doctor looked around the smashed glass case, Sophie found a calendar and read the date. "24th November 1941."

"What did you say?" The Doctor turned to face her.

"24th November 1941," Sophie repeated.

"Where?" The Doctor looked around the shop looking worried.

"How would I know?" Sophie rolled her eyes.

"I have a really bad feeling," the Doctor found a stack of drawers and opened one to find several letters. He read the address. "Oh dear, I thought so."

"What is it?" Sophie asked. "Please, catch me up here."

"This village, next to one of the biggest power complexes in England," the Doctor explained. "On this day, at bang on 6, a lightning bolt will hit the tower and the biggest recorded amount of electricity in one place occurs. The Tardis has been brought here on purpose, and whatever is going on here, it's all connected. We must find out what it is?"

* * *

Max ran into the Tardis library.

"Here for some light reading?" The voice condescendingly asked.

"If you say so," Max laughed.

"Enjoying this?" The voice sneered.

"Even though I don't know what you are, I kind of am," Max smiled.

"We'll see how long that lasts," the voice sounded annoyed.

"Is this entertainment for you!" Max shouted. "Backfiring is it!?"

"You are an enemy of the Daleks!" A Dalek glided towards Max from behind a bookshelf.

"What?!" Max's mood instantly changed as he stared worryingly at the Dalek.

"You will be exterminated!"

"That's impossible," Max backed away.

"Run Max!" The voice had regained its sense of humour. "Or you will be exterminated!"

Max turned and ran out of the library.

"Do not resist! Exterminate!" The Dalek continued to scream.

* * *

"Max hasn't sent anything to my sonic yet," the Doctor read readings on his device.

"Maybe he isnt back at the Tardis yet?" Sophie suggested.

"No, he must be back there by now," the Doctor shook his head. "Somethings happened."

"What about the person that stole the Crystaline thingy?" Sophie asked.

"One problem at a time Soph," the Doctor went out of the shop and back into the rain. He noticed Sophie wasn't following him. "Come on then."

"If you think I'm going back in the rain, you can think again," Sophie crossed her arms. "I'm gonna stay here, see what else I can find out."

"Alright then," the Doctor nodded before running off.

* * *

Max ran into the Tardis Pool room, luscious vegetation grew up the white panelled walls and light radiated over the glistening water.

As he sprinted along the side of the water, the sound of his feet against the quartz floor echoed all around.

He hid behind some deck chairs.

"Playing Hide and Seek?" The voice asked Max.

Max gritted his teeth as he emerged from behind the deck chairs and looked all around, to see where the voice was coming from. "How did you do that? Bring a Dalek onto the Tardis, shatter the reinforced glass wall around the console, how?"

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