Wish I Could Be Normal.

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On the other side of the city lives a detective agency that lives in a small wooden house. The lead detective of the agency, Vector The Crocodile. The ninja detective of the agency, Espio The Chameleon. And the kid detective of the agency, Charmy Bee. Together they are all called Team Chaotix.

Cut to inside the agency where Espio is sleeping on the couch.

Charmy goes into the living room with an air horn in his hand.

Charmy: This is gonna be so funny.

Charmy blows the air horn in Espio's ears, waking him up in the process.

Espio: Gah!

Charmy: Wakey wakey sleepyhead.

Espio: Charmy! What was that for?

Charmy: I had to wake you up, so I used an air horn.

Espio: Couldn't you have found a more mannerful way to wake me up?

Charmy: That sounded boring. Now this was fun.

Espio sighs.

Espio: What's so important that you had to almost burst my eardrums?

Charmy: Vector wanted me to wake you up. He has something very important that he wants to tell us.

Espio: It better be important.

Charmy fly's away with Espio walking behind him as they make their way to the office where Vector is sitting.

Charmy: I woke Espio up, Vector.

Vector pats Charmy on the head.

Vector: Good job, Charmy. Now for our agency meeting.

Charmy: Yay!

Espio: So what's this meeting about, Vector? Also, why did you have Charmy wake me up with an airhorn?

Vector: Remember the nine people who mysteriously died last week?

Charmy: Yeah. It's sad that they died so young.

Espio: And it's even worse that two of them were Sonic and Amy.

Ever since the deaths of Sonic and Amy, things have not been the same. Everyone was acting so differently, even Eggman and especially Tails. Not only did he lose Cosmo, he also lost two of his best friends. He hardly ever interacts with Knuckles or Sticks anymore. All he ever talks to now is Zooey.

Vector: I was thinking that maybe we could ask some questions to the friends and family members  everyone who died.

Espio: Well who are the people.

Vector: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Jude Mathis, Tyler/Logdotzip, Funneh, Alex, and Homer Simpson.

Charmy: Aww, I feel bad for those people

Vector: And that's why we're gonna ask their loved ones some questions. Oh, and to answer your second question, Espio, I ask Charmy to wake you up with an air horn because it was funny.

Charmy and Vector both start laughing

Espio: Well I didn't think it was funny.

Vector: Oh, quit being such a stick in the mud, Espio. Anyway, Charmy, you and Espio can go out to find some of the dead's loved ones.

Charmy: Yeah. Let's do this, but first I need my lucky honey pot. Be right back, Espio.

Charmy flys into his room to go get his lucky honey pot


🎵I'm the only one who's normal,
but people don't see it that way,
I'm the only one who's normal,
but everyone thinks I'm insane.

I'm the one who keeps the others in line,
I'm the one that's not doing just fine.

maybe I'm not the normal one I think I am or have become,
maybe I'm not the normal one,
the normal one,
the focus one

maybe I need to be crazy,
maybe I need to be stress,
maybe I need to be better than the rest.

I wish I could be normal.🎵

Charmy flys out from his room while holding his lucky honey pot and sees Espio in a singing stance, which makes him confused.

Charmy: Uh Espio, why do you look like you just finished a musical number?

Espio: Well, I was...

Charmy: Never mind that. Come on. The sooner we finish, do sooner I can get back to watching cartoons.

Charmy and Espio both exit the front door, but little did Espio know is that Vector heard his song.

Vector: Poor Espio, I didn't know he felt that way. I better talk to Charmy about this when he gets back.

Sonic The Hedgehog belongs to Sega.

The idea for this story plot is inspired by colorespio

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