~3. Absolutely Smitten~

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Vincent's P.O.V

I sat in the office, leaning back in the chair, my legs up on the table. I glanced at the clock to see it was quarter to eleven. I wondered when the new person was going to arrive, Boss hadn't given me much details on who they were, not that I think Boss would have asked. With the reputation this company has, Boss was lucky to have even one nightguard.

I wasn't exactly sure why they went looking for another, I was doing it just fine by myself, although I wasn't opposed to having some company. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, it was kind of lonely working by myself every night. I didn't have a lot of friends outside of work, most people were scared away by my purple skin, the closest thing I had to a friend was Mike Schmidt, who worked the nightshift at the weekends. We spoke to each other occasionally and worked together on Wednesday's but that was about it.

I glanced at the cameras of the dining area, noticing someone was there. I squinted, trying to get a better look at who the person was. The camera was too dark to make out anything other than the fact that whoever they were seemed to be looking at the characters on stage. It suddenly clicked in my head that they must be the newbie. I stood up from my seat and decided I'd go and show them to the office since they were likely confused.

As I stood up I left the right door of the office, I casually strolled down, wondering who they could be. Without warning I felt someone bump into me and fall over, I grabbed them quickly to make sure they didn't fall. My heart stopped at the sight of them, or should I say, her.

The girl who I'd just caught was quite possibly the prettiest girl I'd ever seen, and that wasn't an exaggeration. She had soft h/c hair and the most amazing e/c eyes, her cheeks had gone a tint of pink, which made her all the more attractive. Our faces were inches apart, I longed to close the gap, but I needed to maintain some self control. We'd only just met after all.

"Oh uhm..." she shifted uncomfortably, I stood up straight, allowing her to stand up, though I kept my hands on her waist. I didn't want to let go of her, not yet.

"I'm sorry about that dear, I didn't see you coming," I chuckled.

"Nonono it's fine, that's on me for not looking where I was going," she dusted herself off, she looked up and began analyzing me. I gave her a few seconds, wanting an excuse to keep staring at her a bit more. Her e/c eyes made contact with my white ones, I wondered what she thought about my purple skin. I hoped she wouldn't be scared of it like everyone else was. She didn't seem scared, if anything she seemed intrigued.

"When you're done admiring me, we can go to the office so I can take measurements for your uniform," I smirked, she blushed in response.

I reluctantly let go of her waist and lead her to the office, it was kind of cramped with both of us in here. I didn't mind too much, it just meant having an excuse to be closer to her. I looked at her, to see she was looking around the office, a lot of curiosity on her face. I wanted to admire her for a bit longer but I was limited on time. The last thing I wanted was for her to get mauled by an animatronic.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to stand still," I said. She nodded. I wrapped the tape around her waist, leaning in. I could feel her breath against my face, I tried to act as though I didn't notice, but her breathing was steadily becoming more shallow.

I mentally kicked myself, I had to do what Boss instructed me to do. There was nothing sexual about any of this. I was being stupid. I eventually pulled away from her, keeping my thumb where I'd measured, before marking it with a black marker. I then put it back into my pocket. There was silence for a second, before I decided I'd break it.

"Welp," I said, popping the p, she turned to look at me. "We're going to be stuck together like this every night, so we might as well get to know each other."

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