~4. Lovely~

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Your P.O.V

I felt Vincent's arms wrap around me, I was pulled into his chest before I heard the door being slammed shut. He then pulled away from me, breathing heavily. I furrowed my brow.

What the hell just happened?

"I was so worried," he gasped. "I thought he was going to kill you..."

I turned around to the closed door and checked the light, I jumped at the sight of Bonnie's shadow on the wall, before realization dawned on me.

"You could have just told me he was there," I turned to Vincent, slightly amused. "You didn't have to make a big song and dance about it."

A look of realization dawned on his face, I saw a hint of pink on his cheeks before he quickly looked away. He walked over to the desk and hid his face behind the tablet.

How cute...

I shook my head, did I really just think that? I turned back to the door and checked the light, Bonnie was still there.

"What time?" I asked Vincent.

"It's quarter to six, we have twenty percent left.. not bad.."

My heart jumped, I felt relief run through me. I'd made it through my first night! It then dawned on me that that means this shift being over, which means going back home, which means seeing my parents...

I hadn't noticed my worry was showing on my face until Vincent interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Are you okay love?"

I looked up at Vincent to see he'd lifted his head from the tablet, his blush was gone, and his face showed concern. I was touched that he cared, but I really didn't want him to know about my parents. He'd never look at me the same way if I was to tell him, he'd hate me, call me a freak, just like everyone else did.

"Yeah I am, thanks for asking," I forced a smile, I turned away so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"Right.." I could tell he didn't believe me, but he seemed to understand I didn't want to talk about it and left me alone. "Just know you can always talk to me about anything."

My heart melted.

"Thank you Vincent," I smiled, a genuine smile this time. "That means a lot to me..."

Vincent smiled back, I checked the light to see Bonnie had gone, I opened the door again, the clock chimed for 6am. I turned to Vincent to see he was grinning at me.

"You survived your first night," he said. "How's it feel?"

"I'm honestly proud of myself," I smiled.

"You should be," he high fived me. As our skin made contact tingles ran through my body. I ignored it, praying it didn't show. "Just a heads up; it gets worse from here."

"Well that's wonderful news," I sighed sarcastically. "Can't wait to get mauled to death by a robot."

"You won't," he said simply. "I refuse to allow it."

He wasn't wrong there.

"I should better head out," I checked the time, realizing it was already ten minutes past six.

"Can't you stay a little longer?"

"I wish I could but I got school."

And crazy ass parents...

"That's a shame," Vincent sighed. "I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course," I smiled. "What time do you usually show up here?"

"Around half eleven," he responded. "You don't have to turn up that early though, just be here in good time before twelve."

"Oh don't worry I will," I said, any excuse to be away from my parents was good for me. "Bye Vincent."

"Bye Y/n~"

I practically sprinted home, when I arrived outside I saw the light in the living room was on. I checked the time to see to my immense relief that it was twenty five past six. I stopped outside the door to take a breather, before pushing it open.

To my relief all I saw was my dad.

"How was work?" he asked me, I smiled.

"It was pretty good," I smiled back, I rather liked my dad when mum wasn't around. "My co-worker is pretty nice."

"I'm glad you got this job, I think it's going to be great for you," he smiled at me softly.

You can say that again....

I sprinted upstairs, grabbing my bad I swung it over my shoulders, before leaving to go to the school bus. After a long night of risking my life, it was now time for a long stressful day of school.


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