All of me : 19 years later

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It had been 19 years since the war. Ive now lived more years without my family than with them.

About after ten years of teaching at Beauxbatons, Professor Slughorn begged me to take his position as he was to retire

I've been teaching at Hogwarts for about 5 years now. I rearranged the potions classroom completely, a lot of it still reminded me of professor Snape and it was too much for me

We moved back to England and lived at Nott Manor. Theo didn't mind moving back and he was getting a job at the ministry

"Make sure you have everything Coraline" Merlin this child was forgetful

"Mum you literally teach there if I need anything I don't think i'll struggle to find you" She crossed her arms

"Attitude check young lady" Theo said as he walked by putting all their trunks in

Months after we got married was when I got pregnant with my first son, Calum hes in his fifth year and was made slytherin prefect

Margot just a year younger was in her fourth year and well she was the most level headed out of all of them, the rest all developed Theo's short temper

Well let's just say that Theo and I really could stop having children.

Next followed Montgomery (Monty for short) it's currently his third year at hogwarts. He's exactly like his father and he was sorted into house Slytherin as well, he's on the quidditch team which Theo comes out to every game

Coraline was next and merlin that girl reminded me so much of Pansy how witty and tough she is, no doubt she was sorted into Slytherin as well. This was her second year

I was about done having kids when I got pregnant, I was fine with another but when the nurse told me triplets I nearly fainted

First two boys came out Caiden and Cristian then our baby girl Myla last they were all starting their first year today and let me tell you getting seven kids out the door is impossible

"Don't be nervous baby" I stroked Mylas hair, she was a lot like me and very reserved. Probably my only child that resembled me personality wise

All of my children had pitch black hair for Theo and I did. Monty and Coraline had Theo's dark blue eyes, Calum and Margot have hazel green eyes that my brothers had Caiden and Cristian had lighter blue eyes which Theo said were his mums color and my Myla had my exact eyes and well exact face.

These children were all extremely tall especially all my boys were above 6'0, when the triplets boys were only 12 and already 5'3. Do you know how difficult it is to discipline Calum now that he's 6'2?

"Boys merlin so help me if you don't get up and help your father and get off your broom Monty" I snapped at all three of them sitting by the car

"It's almost as if we don't have house elves" Monty snapped at me

Are teenagers supposed to be this hard to raise??

Finally we took the car that we exchanted to fit all of us and made our way to kings cross

"Blaise told me his son got captainship this year" Theo said as we drove

"No fair" I heard Monty snap

"Monty you're too young" I reminded him

"Mum I almost forgot to tell you Margot been writing to James Potter all summer" He laughed

"Shut up Monty" she hit him

"There will be no dating young lady" Theo reminded her

"Besides we all know you weren't captain Monty because mums head of house and it's a conflict of interest dumb arse" Coraline snapped

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