Kiss me Through the Phone

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I hugged both of them for what seemed like forever, I hoped I could stay in their arms that shielded me forever

"I missed you guys"

"I missed you Flora" Calab said taking my trunk

"We have loads to tell you" Mark added as we walked out of Kings Cross station

Burke Manor was my favorite place on earth. Each room radiated warmth and light. Even the outside had white roses everywhere

"Mumsy" I ran and hugged her

"Oh my baby" she kissed my head

"Come on in ive made all your favorites" she brought me in and I smelt the food right away

"Must be nice being the favorite" Caleb said as he walked the stairs to put away my trunk

"Even fathers taken off a day of work to see you" Mark messed up my hair walking in

"Father" I ran up and hugged him

"How's my favorite child" he held me tightly

"Im right here" Mark rolled his eyes

"Don't think I didn't hear that" Caleb appeared

"Come on now sit sit" Mum order and well we listened

"How's work dad"

"Not an easy time to be head of aurors office" he seemed stressed and more white hair now peeked through

"Father you do paper work try having to be an auror" Calab said grabbing his bread

Both of my brothers were aurors

"I heard about that awful battle at the department of mysteries" Mum said setting down the food

"It was brutal mum" Mark said serving himself

"At least we got Malfoy and Nott" Caleb said before filling his mouth with food

My body tensed. That was Theo's father. I had debated telling them I had a boyfriend and hearing their hatred towards their family I wouldn't even speak on it

"Well tell us about old Hogwarts" they finally turned to me

"Daphne and I just stuck to ourselves and studied for our OWL's really" I lied through my teeth

"Oh i've been meaning to ask you, are you friends with Ron Weasley or Harry Potter?" Mark asked

I didn't understand the relevance "No I dont really talk to anyone from other houses" Which was true especially gryffindors, other than the twins since well everyone liked them

"Why do you ask?"

"We've joined the order and well his family takes up more than half the members" Caleb completed for Mark

Mark had been during hogwarts best friends with Bill and Caleb with Charlie that's why they wanted me to be friends with Ron.

"The order?" I had never heard of such thing

"It's a secret society Dumbledore formed the first time they fought you-know-who"Mark answered

"I don't know about you hanging around that Daphne" Mum spoke with such concern

"That Greengrass family are big supporters of him" Father backed her up

"Most of Slytherin house parents are" I jumped to her defense

"Maybe it's time to make some outer house friendships" Mum said in a tone I knew she wasn't asking

"I can introduce you to Ron Weasley if you'd like?" Mark tried to defuse the tension, but I knew Ron and well I don't think we'd make good friends

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