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It's been only a month and I changed my contract saying that after the school hours I wouldn't need a room I would go straight home

Which meant I got up at 6 o clock, used floo powder to my office and at 4pm I would use my fireplace to come back home

Theo being as high maintenance as he was said we should move into a bigger home

He proposed to me the next day after our first interaction in years

I said yes of course. Time hadn't affect the strength of our love.

He had started construction on a new property

"I'm so excited for you to see it" He took the last of the boxes from my house

"You better have kept your word and made it small" I was exited to see where i'd be spending the rest of my life with him

He held my hand as we aparated

Stood in front of me with a large massive manor

"Theodore Nott this better be a joke" I was starstruck of how beautiful and large it was

"I know I just got carried away" He held my hand as he opened the massive door

It was like stepping into a palace

Everything was dark green, black, navy and brown

"I was thinking we could have the wedding here" he smiled largely

I didn't want a wedding. No one could walk me down the isle. My brothers wouldn't be there getting drunk.

"We've only been engaged for a month" I grabbed his shoulders

"Come on I want to show you the rest" he pulled me up the stairs

"I added enough room for kids you know one day" he said as he showed me the rooms

"What are we having 15 kids?" I laughed because this manor was larger than mine twice the size

It was still the most beautiful house i've ever seen and I couldn't believe it was mine

"Nott Manor" "I love it Theo" I kissed him

Muggle therapy also works for me. I go on Saturdays and talk to a muggle women who just writes on her notebook and never allows me to read the notes.

It's helping me through a lot, all the PTSD all the traumatic flashbacks.

I even took Theo with me for a session when she wanted to meet my fiancé. Had to obliviate her ten minutes in because Theo is terrible around muggles


Although I didn't want a wedding I did it to make him happy

It was mostly all of his family. I invited my aunts and uncles and all my cousins that were much older all my brothers age

I also invited the Weasleys because father really loved their family

Daphne and Pansy helped me get ready

I wore a simple silk dress that was long sleeved

Pansy did my makeup very natural and Daphne and her sister pinned my hair up

"Any cold feet? we can aparate if you want" Pansy asked

"Oh Pans you never fail to amuse me" I smiled

I hugged them all and thanked them

I held white lilies, those are the flowers that his mum walked down the isle too

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