Get Well Soon

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I stayed up the entire night in the common room

"Want some company?" Pansy came down, she looked as stressed as I was

"Sure" I motioned to the couch

"Heard Snape walked in on you and Theo snogging" she smiled

"You're forgetting Blaise" I added

"I'm worried about him" Pansy said and I knew she was talking about Draco

"I haven't heard anything" It was now 2:30 am

"How did you know you loved Theo?" she asked shyly

"It's complicated, it happened over time" I looked into the flames

"It must feel nice to have someone love you as much as you love them" Her eyes started to water and I've never seen her vulnerable

"Theo and Draco are nothing alike and Draco doesn't seem like the type of guy to sit around and talking about his feelings" I tried to give her comfort

Before she could answer the door swung open

We both jumped up

"Theo" I ran to his arms and Pansy held Draco

"Are you okay?" I asked as I held him

"Can you just stay with me tonight please" He said his voice weak

I walked up to his room holding his hand

He didn't even change his clothes he just laid in bed, I was face to face with him, I ran my fingers through his hair as he rested his head on my chest

I massaged his back with my hand until he fell asleep I couldn't even move how he was firmly holding onto me as if he couldn't cost to let go

It took me awhile to fall asleep I watched as he twitched in his sleep

I felt my eyes heavy and I drifted to sleep

When I woke up he wasn't there. The shower was running and I assumed it was him.

I opened the door slightly and he was sitting in the shower

I undressed myself and locked the door, as I stepped in the water was freezing it made my body tense up

I turned the handle and made it warm

"Flora" he said getting up

I let the water wet my hair

"What happened?" I was scared to ask

"Fathers been sent to Azkaban" He said it so bluntly

His words had taken me back

"Is it okay to ask why?" I didn't want to pry

"You'll see it anyways in the daily prophet" he moved over to the water

"He's a death eater"

That made it all clear why he wasn't the only one called out. I knew Theo didn't have his mum so he would be all alone

I grabbed the soap and washed my hair, I didnt have advice or I couldn't even relate

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