- chapter 3 • emotions -

Start from the beginning

Kenma shot a look at him. He groaned, "Fine."

Akaashi smiled warmly to the acceptance of his question.

People were rummaging out of the stands and it was getting crowded on the court. People we're talking and congratulating the team.

Kenma and Akaashi stood up and made their way on to the court.

"I don't want you to say anything weird Akaashi." Kenma whispered as they made their way to the bed headed boy.

"Never." Akaashi smiled. Kenma smiled back.

As they were walking towards the bed-headed boy he looked up and saw us walking towards him. He lifting his hand up and waved. He started his way towards Kenma and Akaashi, soon turned into running.

Kuroo sprinted across the court and flung onto Kenma hugging him. Kenma clearly startled, and Akaashi's eyes were wide open after seeing this incident.

Kenma struggled and finally gave in and hugged him back. Kuroo pulled back and whispered into his ear to where Akaashi couldn't hear, "I missed you kitten."

Kenma immediately had a crimson red spread across his face. He pushed Kuroo back and exhaled.

Kenma looked at Akaashi, "Well. This is Kuroo." He said while pointing at the black haired boy.

"Hey!" Kuroo waved.

"Hello." Akaashi waved back and smiled. "It's nice to meet you-" Akaashi got cut off by a loud voice.

"Kuroooo!" The loud voice came closer. The guy jumped on Kuroo and punched him.

Akaashi just stared, his mouth was still slightly open from the sentence that just got cut off.

The boy was laughing as Kuroo struggled to pry him off. The guy looked down and saw the raven-haired boy staring at him. Immediately he slipped off Kuroo and just stood there staring back into Akaashi's eyes.

"Hello, Bokuto-san.." Akaashi waved.

"Akaashi! You go here? What the fuck?" He blurt out. They all looked at the owl boy.

"Yes Bokuto-san." Akaashi laughed. Bokuto now felt the embarrassment, he looked stupid.

Now all four of them were talking. Just talking either about the game or some random things. Akaashi felt safe around them, he didn't know why he felt comfortable.

Soon that ended when Akaashi was pulled away and into a kiss. Clearly startled his eyes widened, it was his boyfriend.

As the boy pulled his lips away from Akaashi he just stared at him, with daggers in his eyes. Akaashi's breathing halted for a second, 'Why was he here?'

As they just stood there a voice spoke up, "Hey! Get your hands off of him!" Bokuto yelled at the guy.

"Who the fuck are you?" The other boy said.
Akaashi panicked quickly snapping back to what happened.

Bokuto was yelling at him and the boy was threatening him.

"Guys shut up!" Akaashi sternly said. "Bokuto-san, this is my boyfriend." Akaashi said while pointing at his boyfriend.

"Oh.." Bokuto's felt his heart drop, he didn't know why, he just met Akaashi. "I'm sorry, I feel stupid now." He said while putting his hand on the back of his head.

"You are stupid!" Kuroo said as he his Bokuto in the back of his head.

"Ow!" The owl boy blurt out.

As they were arguing Akaashi's boyfriend grabbed his wrist tightly. Akaashi slightly winced but snapped back. He was breathing more vigorously, his legs were slightly shaking. He was terrified.

Bokuto noticed this action and looked up at guy gripping Akaashi's wrist.

"Why the fuck are you grabbing his wrist so hard?" Bokuto said while looking straight into his eyes.

Kuroo stopped his actions and looked at them, Kenma looked worried.

"He's my boyfriend. I can do what ever I want to him." The guy snapped back.

This pissed owl boy off, a lot. Bokuto started to walk forward to put his hands on him, he was suddenly pulled back by Kuroo.

"Bokuto stop. This isn't your business." He firmly said. Bokuto pulled out of his grip.

Akaashi just stood there. Looking at nothing.

Kenma poked him, "Let me talk to you for a bit." He whispered. Bokuto and Kuroo were still arguing.

Akaashi nodded his head and looked at his boyfriend. His lip trembled.

"I.. uh. Kenma wants to talk to me. Is that okay?" He whispered. The boy flipped his head and looked at Kenma, stared him down.

Then he let Akaashi's wrist go, "Whatever." He said. "I'll be waiting."

Akaashi nodded quickly and started to walk away with Kenma. They headed outside of the gym. Kenma stopped and looked at Akaashi.

"Your not going with him." Kenma said.

"What do you mean-" Kenma cut Akaashi off and grabbed his wrist, it was already bruising.

"This." Kenma held up Akaashi's wrist.

"He was just holding to hard..!" Akaashi winced.

"Does he hit you? Akaashi." Kenma said sternly.

"N-No!" Akaashi panicked.

"Akaashi. Look at me." Kenma said. "Does he hit you?"

Tears glazed over his eyes.

"No.. he doesn't." He said while he held back the tears that desperately tried to come out.

"I don't believe you." Kenma said.

Akaashi stood there. "Why don't you believe me? Your just like other people who don't fucking believe me Kenma." Akaashi cussed at him and walked back into the warm gym.

He walked over to his boyfriend and said, "Let's go.." But he didn't want to go with him.

Akaashi looked back and smiled at the two boys eying the boy Akaashi was hanging on to.

"Bye Kuroo, bye Bokuto-san.." He forced a slight smile as he was yanked away.

The two boys just stood there looked at Akaashi as he was being dragged away. Kenma came in and looked at Kuroo.

Kuroo stretched his arms out seeing Kenma was upset. Kenma lowered his head and fell into his arms.

"Get a room." Bokuto said unenthusiastically and walked away. He was mad, mad about Akaashi's boyfriend, mad how he treated him, mad Akaashi had a boyfriend.

All these feeling came pouring the owl boy and he didn't know how to control it. So he jogged back into the locker room as he just sat on the ground and stared at his volleyball shoes.

'Why are my emotions like this..? They're always so.. crazy.'

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