Chapter 2

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At 5 in the morning, I was sat in one of my brother's many cars with him driving me to the airport. While looking at the scenery that we were driving by, I tried to imagine what I would do once I got there. I mean, today is the start of the training camp but Riko-senpai told me that it was better for me to arrive a day later so that I have more time to prepare myself.

Well, that meant mentally because my physical state is pretty good I would say. While thinking about how I should act during this sort of reunion camp, my mind thought back to the call. I was relieved to know that they would be too busy training at the basketball training camp to come to the airport to catch a glimpse of my arrival. Well, to be frank, I was only feeling a little relieved about that because Akashi could still have his security guards or whoever looking for me discreetly at the airport.

I sighed silently when I realised that I still had to prepare for that kind of scenario. It did excite me as I could have so much fun evading all those personal security guards and throwing them off my scent. I smiled sinisterly when I thought of the ways I could mess with them.

My brother shook me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I didn't realise that we were already at the airport, well, its parking lot anyways. He had opened my side of the car's door and was standing there shaking his head with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car, to the boot and took out my luggage.

Once I was all ready with my things, my brother and I went and took the elevator to the floor where I would board my jet to Japan, which was the ground floor the last time I checked. I wasn't too sure as I had never flown on a private jet before.

"You sure you'll be alright at that camp lil' sis? I mean, yes you will be at the sports complex run by our OWN family but we won't always be there to like you know, save you from a bunch of guys who are like what? At least 2 years older than you or whatever? I know that you're smart enough to escape from situations like that but that intelligence of yours can't keep helping you forever," Orion, my idiotic 4th oldest brother, said to me.

He probably said more about the camp and tried to persuade me not to go but I stopped listening. Whatever he says won't change my mind. It was time that I faced my past and well, get over them.

A couple of minutes of an annoying brother talking and walking, we finally arrived at my jet. I just stared at it for a couple of seconds before boarding the jet after leaving my luggage to the airport staff. I mean, as long as the jet serves its purpose, I couldn't care less what it looks like. I sighed for the hundredth time today. It was at this time that I began questioning my choices.

Was the decision to go for this camp worth it? Do I still have my skills in basketball? I laid my head on the table and groaned. I remember not being this worried about a stupid camp. Then, I convinced myself that I was doing this in the name of sports.

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