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second person

"where are we going again?" you asked Wilbur. "we're following Dream," Wilbur answered as you hummed and nodded. you got immediately bored as you started to sing. 

"we're on our waaay, we're on our waaay! we became the villains, that's a start, and we've got pain inside our hearts. we're on our waaay! we're on our waaaay! we may be tired and distressed, but we won't stop until we're dead- we're on our-!"

"Lemon, what the hell are you singing?"

"Nothing, just a song cover I made." 

after that, you and Wilbur bumped on into Tommy. "oh." you blurted out as Wilbur and Dream started talking. "hello," you waved at Tommy as he gave you his pleading eyes. "(Y-(Y/N), are you sure you wanna join Wilbur..? he's manipulating you!" he whispered as you sighed. "whatever you say, man. I'm joining him, you should've joined us as well, Schlatt made us suffer and you're still not giving up?" you responded softly as he furrows his eyebrows. 

Wilbur went in the base as Tommy pulled the string of his bow and demanded. "hand me the TNT."

Dream stepped in and muttered; "Tommy, I'll have to step in."

Wilbur smiled and fist-bumped the air. "YEAH! DADDY DREAM! O-OH WAIT- scratch that out! big brother Dream!" Wilbur exclaimed as you giggled. "that'll be in the compilations now," you wheezed.

as you guys get back in character, Tommy started to speak. "this isn't right, this just isn't right. I'm not gonna betray you, Wilbur, Lemon. and I'm gonna stand by your side but this isn't the right way to go about this." Tommy looked at Dream. "you know this as well, Dream. we could- we could build back l'manberg, it could be when it was, but blowing it all up isn't gonna solve anything. it's only gonna waste more time. and we don't have enough time." Tommy looked back to Wilbur as Wilbur started to chuckle, and his chuckles turned into laughter. "none of your saying matters- look, Dream, thank you very much, I've- I really appreciate it, I will make you proud, I'll rig it all up, I will completely set it up to designate and- oh! you know what?" Wilbur blabbers as Dream interrupts him. "if you need help, just let me..."

"thank you, thank you, let me-" 

you started to get annoyed with their talks as you looked at Tommy, giving you puppy eyes with his hands stuck together as you looked at him with pity but shook your head, making him sigh in defeat and continue to listen to Wilbur and Dream. 

Wilbur started to pull you from the two as you two went down.

alex here and I am sorry for the slow update! I have been slacking off and online class got back so I'm like- in pain rhsjsdk I hope you're satisfied with the chapter;v;

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