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Second Person

you wake up, yawn, do your morning routine, and sighed. today is another new day. you thought as you open discord seeing your new friends chatting.

Tobyツ: (Y/N)'s online

(Y/N): yo

Tobyツ: today is the day
where i give you a tour in the smp :D

(Y/N): waIT WHAT

Tobyツ: yes!

Tommy: p o g


Wilbur: PogChamp indeed

Wilbur: Nihaachu was supposed to give you the tour in the SMP
But she's busy today

(Y/N): aw F

Wilbur: Also there's a debate going on right now.

(Y/N): wait what why

Wilbur: I can't explain properly

(Y/N): wtf is going on-

Tobyツ: go to vc 2

(Y/N): aight

*insert the join vc sound*

"hey!" you exclaimed. "eyyy!" he exclaimed back as you began to ask him. "what the hell is going on? and I didn't know that Jschlatt is in the server." you said the guy's name. "oh, like Wilbur said, there's a debate going on, there's a organization called Pog2020, Coconut2020, Swag2020, and Schlatt2020! I'm in the schlatt2020." he replied. "you're wHAT?" you yelled as he flinched, of course you didn't know because you're just voice calling him.
"that guy is like- bad news!" you exclaimed as he tilted his head. "what do you mean?" he asked. "you know what- just- forget it, let's continue in the tour." you sighed as you joined the SMP.



you open your eyes as you sat up. "huh? so this is the smp huh?" you muttered as you see Tubbo waving at you. "hey! time for the tour now!" he smiles as you smile back. Tubbo reached his hand out at you as you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up. "here's some stuff that I got for you!" he gave you some potions and weapons. "wow, thanks, Tubbo! I'll start the stream now!" you exclaimed as you open Twitch and started streaming.

=after the tour since I am lazy as hell=

Tubbo was done having a tour with you as you and him went to the place where the others are. Tubbo actually went first as you followed behind. "ohh, hey, (Y/N)! perfect timing!" you looked up as you see Jschlatt grinning. ah, is this the scene? you thought as he looked down and up. "my first decree is to revoke the citizenship of..." he looks at you, Wilbur, and Tommy. "Wilbur, (Y/N), and Tommy." he finished as you tilted your head aggressively. "WHAT?! I JUST GOT HERE?!!" you yelled. you heard Niki yell in protest as well but Jschlatt ignore you and Niki. 

"now..GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" he yells as some of the people that you don't know and know chased you and the two. you run for your life as you drank the speed potion that Tubbo gave you and slashed one of the guys who's chasing you. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, FIEND!" you screeched as you ran off. "(Y/N)! over here!" you heard someone whisper, who you assume is Tommy, as you went to the place where Tommy was. "until further notice, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are merely a memory of l'manberg. While Honeylemonboy is just a memory of nothing!" Jschlatt exclaimed, you can feel him grinning just by his voice. rude. you thought.

"a reminder of the darkest era, this country has ever seen. and I guarantee you citizens. tonight? that changes." Schlatt continues. "that's the nation's ass!" Eret laughed. "yeah, he's got a fair point there. sorry, Wilbur." Fundy mutters as you heard Tubbo. "FUNDY?!"

"I'm sorry." he says. "Fundy?" Tommy called as the said male stood quiet. "can we give it up for no more Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit, and Honeylemonboy!" Schlatt yelled as he raised up his fist, making almost everyone cheer. Tubbo and Niki... you thought as you sigh. 

"that..was shocking." you mutter as Tommy and Wilbur nod. "I'm..gonna end the stream now...I guess." you said as Wilbur gave you a thumb up. you went on deafen as you sigh. "that was...interesting." you murmured as the chat was so shocked.

explainingchatsintwitch: WTFFFF YO WHAT?


charliecharle: SISTER SH O O K

leafblower: WHAT WHAT WHAT??? 

alwasnotfound: NO WHAT NotLikeThis

karlsontheidiot: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis

"welp, I'm ending the stream now..I guess..." you muttered the last part, feeling sad and pity for WIlbur and Tommy. "bye guys, we'll continue this later." you smile sadly, even though no one can see your face. "goodbye, y'all..."

karlsontheidiot: NOOOO BYE D:


charliecharle: THIS IS SO SAD DDDD:

explainingchatsintwitch: DUDE NO-

you stopped streaming as you sigh. "ҭђἷṩ ᾧἷłł вἔ ғὗᾗ..."

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