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I'm struggling now

But now, I finally know

It's the right time

And I have to go.

Your breath became too heavy for me

Oh yes, I can't hear that anymore

While you are breathing carelessly

Can't feel that breathe on my chest, no more.

In my head a real struggle is going on

Right now while my heart prays me not to go

And I know if I fall again led by my heart

And stay here trusting to my heart vibes

I maybe will be hurt again

Heartbroken, once again

Suffering in the same pain.

With hands in my hair, I'm grabbing my head

I'm thinking, I'm analyzing

What's the best, what's the right decision for me

And I'm scared of how much am I confused

Praying to God to put the right answer into my head.

Even if I know how hard it is to leave,

For me, unfortunately, it's better to go

To escape from this toxic relationship

And finally, I realize, I had to do this long ago,

Now I know, that time has come

The time to say goodbye.

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